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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hair Care Secrets

Hair-Care Secrets That Won't Cost 5 You a Dime

Cara Brook of Maskcara was the winner of the 2013 Allure Beauty Blogger Awards and is now contributing to the Daily Beauty Reporter.
In this day and age, with all of the balms and serums and masks, hair care can get a little overwhelming. Especially if you're on a budget. The truth is, there's plenty you can do to keep your hair healthy without breaking the bank.

1 . Air-drying is your best friend. I'm aware that every gal has a whole different hair texture to deal with, but hear me out. Regular blow-drying damages your hair a fair amount, which does nothing for improving the texture. You may be surprised at how much you love your natural hair texture if you really give it a chance. Another trick you can try is letting your hair air-dry for as long as you can and then smoothing it out with the blow-dryer.
2 . But shampoo is more like a frenemy. Don't get me wrong, I am firm in my fanhood for good personal hygiene. I like to shower regularly and I do wash my hair at least twice a week. But washing your hair every day can generally be avoided. Shampoo strips your hair of its natural oils and dries it out. It also zaps hair color, which means coloring more often, which means-you guessed it-DAMAGE.
3 . Try a vinegar rinse. I was pretty skeptical about this little gem when it first came across my pinboards. Some of those DIYs are suspect at best. I've never tested it, but I'm willing to bet that it's not actually a good idea to remove my blackheads with gasoline and gypsy tears. Nevertheless after receiving a vote of approval from a real person, I decided to give vinegar a go. After shampoo and conditioner, I poured a glass of apple cider vinegar over my hair then rinsed it out. When it dried, not only did it not smell like a salad, but it also had a shine to it and a softness that pretty much knocked my socks off.
4 . Easy on the hot tools. Think of your flatiron as a little torture chamber for your hair. It's not that you can't ever use it, but it would probably be kind if you didn't put your hair through pain like that every day. When you really have to, though, go with the lowest heat setting possible and don't hold it on the hair or run it through any more than necessary.
5 . Heavy on the coconut oil ... or olive oil ... or whichever oil you happen to have on hand.Whichever one you use, they all work wonders as deep, moisturizing conditioners, and at least one of them can be found in most kitchens. I like to work a few tablespoons into my hair starting at the ends and moving up the shaft. Then I braid it and let it soak in for an hour or more before washing it out. Afterwards my hair feels soft and silky.



Hair Care Secrets 5

 No matter what your hair goals, you want your hair to be at it's best. Shiny, bouncy, healthy hair is a must for all lengths. But if you are trying to grow your hair out and prevent damage, you might need to try a few unconventional methods

Secret # 1 - Take your vitamins!

Hair specialists love to remind us that it is impossible to alter the rate at which your hair grows. Average hair growth is ½ "per month. I am able to speed up my normal growth rate to ¾" each month just by taking hair vitamins supplements.

There are hundreds of bottles with the word "hair" slapped on the label, but they are not all created equal. First, take a multivitamin that encompasses all of your body's needs. Then you can worry about extra nutrition for your hair.

Hair especially likes B complex, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, flax seed oil, black currant seed oil, kelp and silica. If you want to be extra sure your hair is getting what it wants, take an amino acids complex as well.

Your hair is a byproduct of your body's functions. If your body is operating with the best nutrition, then it can produce a better product

Secret # 2 - Scalp massage

 Massaging your scalp for 5 minutes a day can make your hair stronger, thicker, and grow in faster. You can choose to do it dry, or use an oil or scalp treatment to assist you. You can even do it while you are shampooing.
Massage stimulates your scalp's blood supply. The blood brings nutrients to the follicles and that helps the follicles do their work. As an added benefit, scalp massage is a great stress reducer. Less stress = more beautiful hair.
Remember to use the pads of your fingers, never your nails. Spread your fingers apart and place them firmly on your head. Start at the base of your neck and work your way up to your front hairline. Move in little circles. You may feel tingly; that's your improved circulation.

Secret # 3 - Wear your hair up more

A lot of people don't get this one. "What's the point of having long hair if I have to wear it up all the time?" The point is to have more beautiful, healthy, long hair. Every time you wear your hair down, you are exposing it to environmental damage. It is exposed to the air, which will dry it out. Wind will cause tangles, which in turn causes more handling and more damage. Your hair will rub against your clothes which dries it out even further.
Try wearing your hair up at least 50% of the time. By the end of one month, you will notice much less breakage, and less dryness.

Secret # 4 - Don't neglect your trims

This one I had to learn the hard way. "If I'm trying to grow out my hair, why would I cut it?" Big mistake. The last 2 inches of my hair always looked raggedy and thin and I could never understand why. Then I gave in and got a good trim. My ends were soft, smooth, buttery and thick. I disciplined myself to get another small trim 2 months later. My ends are still looking fantastic.
Your ends are the oldest, driest and most damaged hair on your head. No matter how gentle you are to your hair, the ends split and move farther up the hair shaft. Split ends cause tangles, which leads to breakage and snapping.
Getting trims will also keep the shape of your hair. Since hair grows unevenly, after a couple of months your style can go from chic to shaggy very quickly.
It's better to get small trims every 2-3 months than have to get a huge chop to remove all the damage at once.

Secret # 5 - Find the tricks that work for you

 There are so many hair tips it's hard to figure out which ones are best for you. The only way to find out is to try them. Here are some of my favorite tips that you don't see too often. Pick one or two, try them for 2 weeks to a month. Then decide if this is the answer to your most gorgeous hair.

Sleep on a satin pillowcase to prevent damage from tossing and turning.
If your hair is damaged, use a protein treatment once a week.
Switch to a boar bristle brush.
Switch from plastic combs to wooden or cellulose acetate. Plastic combs have molded seams on them that damage your hair cuticle.
Use distilled water as your final rinse. Tap water leaves mineral deposits on hair that can dull it and damage it.
If your hair is very dry, don't shampoo every day.
If you have fine, thin hair, stay away from volumizing and thickening shampoos. They dry out your hair.
Stay away from hair accessories with metal in them.
No one said having great looking and healthy hair at the same time would be easy. It takes some thought and experimentation. But since having great hair can make or break your look, it is always worth the extra effort




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