Signs You're Not Ready for a Serious 16 Relationship (sam hem )
Should you keep it casual or are you ready to make a serious commitment in love? Use the 16 signs to know if you're ready for a serious relationship. By Amelie Lee

It's not always your fault if you feel like you're not ready for a serious relationship.You could be dating someone who truly loves you, but as much as you
try, there may be circumstances when you just can't fall in true love
with them, even if you really like them a lot and love dating them!Have you ever been there?Have you ever dated someone who seems perfect for you, but you just couldn't see him or her as a long-term partner?
A serious commitment in love is not something you can force yourself to feel.Sometimes, it may be a clear case of cold feet before the plunge, and
at other times, maybe you're just not with the person who's the other
perfect half of your jigsaw puzzle.But if you are really serious about getting serious in love, you have to learn to take the plunge at some point in time.Of
course, you may come across failures and bad relationships, but you
need to remember that you won't have any new lessons or experiences in
love if you're too timid to give your heart to someone who wants to
spend a lifetime with you .Are you just looking for an excuse?Why do you hold yourself back from falling in love, really? Do you tell everyone else that you're not ready only because you have a
secret checklist of likes and dislikes in your mind when you look out
for a partner?And
instead of appearing vain and conceited, and reveal that you haven't
found a person worthy enough to date you, do you find it easier to tell
everyone that you're not ready to make a serious commitment? [Read: The real reason behind why YOU can't find love when everyone else can! ]If that's how you secretly feel, don't fall for your own trick and convince yourself that you really aren't ready for love. The mind can be a silly thing at times, and it can be very easy to fool it! If you're looking for love, but haven't found it just yet, there's
nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't shut the doors to love
just yet.Do you fall madly in love all the time?While
there are a few people who hold themselves back all the time, there are
many others who completely succumb to love within the first week or so.
They obsess about their new lover, drive themselves up the wall
thinking about the together time, and fall head over heels in love in no
not fair to stay guarded all the time in a new relationship, but on the
other hand, it's never a good thing to be so smitten by love early into
the relationship that you can't differentiate between right and wrong
until you're way past the infatuation period because it would only make you hurt a lot more!So are you ready for a serious relationship?You
can't always predict if your heart is ready for love, or if your mind
would just be happier indulging in the fling thing for a while, but here
are a few questions you can ask yourself to find out what your heart
and mind wants .16 signs you're not ready for a serious commitment in loveAre you confused over whether you'd be happier in love, or happier just flitting from one lover to another over the short term? Here are 16 signs that can help you decode your mind better in no time.# 1 You think you haven't dated enough people.
Do you feel like it's too early to commit to an exclusive relationship? If
you think you're too inexperienced to "settle" into a serious
relationship just yet, because you're still having so much fun keeping
it simple, perhaps, you're just not ready for true love yet. [Confession: I want to be single again! ]# 2 You're being a fake.
a new relationship, many people don't reveal their true selves and
their true ideas because they're afraid they may not be liked for who
they really are? Are you one of these people? If you're not being yourself around the person who loves you, just so
you can please this person with your perfect behavior, both of you are
definitely not ready for a serious commitment.# 3 Ex woes.
You still have feelings for your ex. You're trying to move on, but you're still tortured by your ex's memories and the good times both of you shared together. If your ex dominates your present lover in your mind, you definitely have some old issues to fix before moving on.# 4 You haven't evolved.
Over your past relationships, have you learnt any lessons or picked any flaws about yourself? As one sided as mistakes in love can be, there are always lessons for
both partners to learn from, evolve and improve themselves.If
you've always believed you've been right all along and have never been
wrong in any past relationship, then you surely have a lot to learn. When you don't self reflect on your past relationships, and correct
yourself while learning from your past romances, you'll always find
yourself in square one all the time.# 5 You don't feel the compatibility.
You like the person you're dating, but somewhere at the back of the mind, something just doesn't feel right. And both of you seem too different from each other to last past the infatuation stage in love.# 6 A distraction.
Are you using the relationship only as a distraction to ignore or overcome a big problem that's troubling your mind? A rebound relationship may work very well here, as long as you make your intentions clear from the very beginning.# 7 You're too independent.
You don't like the idea of having to * report * to someone every few hours about your whereabouts over the phone. You don't like feeling obligated to meet someone or spend time with them, even though you really like their company. You just love your independence, and when you date someone, you feel like your freedom is being taken away from you.# 8 Serial dating.
You're a serial dater, and you love it! You love the idea of falling in love, but you can't seem to ever get past the infatuation stage with anyone you date. The relationship starts out perfectly, but as the rush of infatuation starts to leave the door, so do you!# 9 Two minds. You're dating someone you really like, but your mind is still committed to someone else.
And that makes you feel guilty to get into a serious new relationship. You may have just come out of a relationship, or perhaps, you're still in a flickering relationship with someone else.If your mind is ever confused over two people at the same time, wait a
while to decide on the right course before you commit to a serious
relationship with one of them.# 10 Rescue mission. You don't want to date someone because of how wonderful they are.
You want to date someone so you can rescue them from their troubles! You date a person, not to share a life together with that person, but
to feel good about yourself while rescuing them from their misery or
pain.# 11 Emotionally unavailable. You just don't feel the need to connect with someone emotionally.
You clam up when it comes to talking about your feelings, and even if
something hurts you or bothers you, you'd rather deal with it in your
own way, instead of confronting the situation with the person involved.If
you're emotionally unavailable, it doesn't matter who you fall in love
with, but most of your relationships will end up failing because you'd
leave everyone around you feeling infuriated because they just can't
understand you for the person you are.# 12 That gaping void. Are you falling in love with this person because you love them? Or are you dating this person in the hope that they can fill that hollow emptiness you feel inside?Here's a lesson you need to remember. You can't ever truly love someone or appreciate them unless you love yourself first. Only when you feel complete from within can you see the good in
someone else, otherwise you'd only see the missing pieces of your own
life in others.# 13 Pressure. You're being forced into the relationship by your overly concerned friends or family.
around you may think this person is perfect for you, and they may
convince you that dating this person is the best decision you'd ever
make! But somehow, you don't feel the same way about the person even if you're in a relationship with them!# 14 You don't pursue them.
You like a particular person, you flirt with them and even date them. But as much as you admire them or desire them, you don't choose to make the effort to pursue them. You don't mind dating them if they pursue you, but you aren't really interested in pursuing them back. It may seem like you're playing hard to get, but chances are, you may not be too interested in them either.# 15 Trust issues. You like the person
, but no matter how hard you try, you just don't find them trustworthy. Trust is the foundation of a perfect relationship, so if you can't
learn to trust them, you definitely aren't ready for a serious
relationship with them.# 16 Love is not a high priority for you
. You've got nothing against the idea of getting into a serious
relationship, but there are other things in your life that are more
important to you at this point in time.Even
if your partner accepts the idea right now that they're not high on
your list of priorities, they would definitely change their mind a few
months down the lane because no lover would want to be on the lower side
of a partner's list of priorities .
There's a thin line between a casual relationship and a serious one. And
if you see any of these 16 signs that you're not ready for a serious
relationship in your own life, step back for a while, at least until you
truly feel you're ready to take that next step in romance. Otherwise, you'd just end up hurting your lover, and yourself too
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