10appearances for the marital relationship right
Psychological study indicated the presence of ten appearances indicate clearly that the marital relationship is based on a strong foundation so that it could continue until the end and successfully facing all the problems that life brings with it
Confirmed the psychological study of Czech modern that a lot of people think and incorrectly that their relationships marriage is kind of perfect, and Lachey threatened by being based on a strong foundation, especially when there are children in the family, which makes them be disappointed great when you end up in divorce and dissipate the illusion that it was they have existed for a happy family.
The study shows that there are ten appearances can make the marital relationship strong and solid, if available, and therefore, this relationship will endure whatever challenges they will face in the future, which is the following:
The study shows that there are ten appearances can make the marital relationship strong and solid, if available, and therefore, this relationship will endure whatever challenges they will face in the future, which is the following:
Some would think that the availability of this is normal but in fact, the availability of mutual trust between the couple is a gift or a grant divine stand by every marital relationship is correct because excessive jealousy, for example, or disclosure of treason targeting directly the basis of the relationship right and this is difficult for any person to maintain an effective relationship in the event of these two things any excessive jealousy or betrayal.
The study confirms that in the event the trust provides the couple to each other, it is the foundation on which can be built upon in the marital relationship
Research showed different that people consider mutual respect as the second most important factor that makes married life Maafah and successful therefore do one couple and repeatedly derogation from consideration partner of life other and weakening the self-confidence and skepticism of its potential and destiny, it threatens to become a marital relationship is effective.
Communication is the basis for a successful marital relationship, effective and according to a study at the University of Texas has the Alehiatien partners who share their fears and joys and all the other emotions are more happier with a marital relationship has significant scope that hold up for a long time
Changes are considered a major part of human life, so the correct marital relationship has the ability to adapt and adjust to these changes adequately.
It requires of course to keep the long-marital relationship and effective acceptance of the positive and negative changes that occur in the middle of life partner, whether it happened at work or in his private life, such as upgrade or Trekayaa in one job or illness and adapt to it
Sharing concerns
Allows sharing of concerns for the couple to create a strong relationship and spend a specific time of leisure time together and still have all my life partner to think how many interests and hobbies joint has with his partner the other because the more activities that are shared jointly whenever the odds continuation of life shared the biggest.
Possession time for each partner
Possession partner of life for your time, whatever, like spend time jointly because it can not be for the relationship to be of good quality without being Per my partner of its time, because this time is necessary to sense of freedom and independence and thus longing and eagerness to meet the second partner.
Friends and Family
Requires the establishment of marital relationship Maafah and healthy that there would be links and strong relationships with the rest of the family members of the two parties and also with friends.
Despite the beginnings of an intense emotional relationship be characterized by a desire that goes Alahqin or spouses longest possible period of time together but the isolation from the others is not evidence of the strength of the relationship, but a relationship satisfactory
Is to reach compromises and understandings embedded km any relationship, regardless of whether such a working relationship or partnership relationship marital and emotional so it is essential that each partner of my life thinking about whether he was able to step back in front of the other party and the search for a solution in the middle of the road or he insists any price to hold on to their positions.
Spats fair
There are no marital relationship or emotional does not attest between the time of the last fights and disagreements on various issues is that effective relationship is different from the relationship is effective in married life in it in the first relationship is not to resort to means and methods of unfair and painful by resorting to blackmail and threat and insults.
The study emphasizes that the ability to resolve disputes and quarrels level of sophisticated and honest relationship indicates that the subject of continuity and its horizon in the future
ED, symptoms, causes, and treatment
First picture: is the lack of lust with them having the ability and integrity of Members
The second picture: is the inability to have intercourse with a lust
It can be added to them the most, a third image: shall be the inability to have intercourse with a lack of desire, and this weakness is more severe types of ED
Symptoms of ED
The task of the man and woman to get the task of maintaining women to men.
That each party to the relationship expensive Bmanmam specific if we reviewed carefully we will discover that the nature of the relationship completely fair ..My job as a man : the initiative and closer and carry wrench rejection in unsuccessful attempts and recidivism and repetition to be the most successful in getting women ..Its mission as a woman : the conservative understanding of my character and avoid what bothers me and what Aredana careful and continue steamy lest forced to search for other ..In the sense that the first party - the man - tired in the beginning to be successful in building a relationship and then begin the task of the second party - women - in maintaining the relationship. !This means that women who succeed in getting a man does not indicate that a disappointment , but the disappointment of the man because the task is not its mission. There is certainly a suitable man but he failed to perform his task as you tempted to start building a relationship with him ..Also the man who becomes involved in a relationship other than his relationship with his partner , this guide is not a betrayal , but means that the women did not work failed him enough to avoid committing treason ..Equation is fair : "I'm tired that we meet and Ante Atobei lest say goodbye ."Tros is offline
How to reach a successful sexual relationship
That the sexual relationship between men and women is truly passionate in the first place before the body of consolidationThat the woman physically ripe for sexual practice requires numbers psychologically and emotionally in order to become ready to enter the atmosphere of that relationship to get to the maximum starchy and happiness to both sides of the sexual process .The mood of the mirror is one of the most important factors to reach the full pleasure of the man because of that relationship depends on the mutual interaction of the parties and their faith deeply that the primary objective of this physical interaction is emptying the emotional charge located at each party and the activation status of the mutual love between the two of state psychological emotional intangible to the physical condition and emotional concrete ( the process of sexual intercourse is the embodiment of an actual sensory and practical process of love and desire ) .Studies make sure that 80% of the fluid sexual initiative Icoad man ( showing a desire to establish a relationship ) studies also confirmed that 70 % of women do not reach the state of starchy maximum ( Shiver physical ) during the process of direct penetration ( vaginal intercourse ) .Studies and make sure that the link to the case ( Shiver physical ) through vaginal intercourse need to get the process of penetration for up to between 10 to 15 minutes (it is quite unlikely in the case of nature " Bedouins take any sedatives " ) .Therefore , sending messages stimulating sensory nerve when a woman is physically configured for emotional exercise is one of the most important causes and contributing factors to reach a state of emotional and physical enjoy the parties and that the most important messages that must be sent by the man are:Create a state of emotional temptationOne of the misconceptions that women are from the attic to make a temptation explicit declaration of the desire to have sexual intercourse , but did you know that you are dear man also represent an important factor temptation for your wife ! ! !Studies have shown that it has the man interesting factor is a strong temptation and a major cause of ripe women psychologically ready to have sexual intercourse .The most important factors that must be the temptation Mraatha
Maintain its fitness and physical consistency of exercise and maintaining normal weight rates .
Maintain personal hygiene ( Bathing / shaving mirrors or refined / shaving pubic )
The development of an attractive and exciting Fragrances especially favored by your spouse.
Choose a suitable underwear and exciting ( see the following article lingerie and marital relations )
Select the right place and outfitted to become a romantic place appropriate to have sexual intercourse ( a comfortable bed and a clean / room smelled fresh and temperature- good / some roses / dim lighting or little candles / music and quiet ) note that the change in location of each period of his important factor in the renewal of desire emotional .
Choose the right time so that your spouse is physically strenuous or sick / unoccupied household chores or care of a child / Midnight prefer intercourse to the stillness of the night myself and unquestionably passionate )Marital foreplayZouhah considered foreplay is the most important motivating factors physically and psychologically for women to get to the feeling Balnchoy maximum . And divided caressing and fondling to:
Foreplay verbal : and is carried out by the husband and his wife, mentioning attractions Altghazl Bmhacnha physical Wu row her words could not be heard only from her husband . In addition to expressing her about the extent of his love for her and his happiness together and they are the main reason for raised . He must also pay tribute to her perfume and her clothes and to emphasize the extent of the excitement felt by .
Foreplay physical : by touching and kissing the body of the wife and her sensational private areas ( note that according to some women with Ithirhen physically ( you'll discover the key to your spouse ) .Preferred to continue the process for a period ranging from 15 to 25 minutes with the knowledge that there is no problem of arrived wife to stage starchy maximum ( shiver ) before the occurrence of penetration where studies have confirmed that more than 85 % of women are able to access the stage starchy maximum ( shiver ) for more than once during the throw with one pair .Emotional control :The pair should be aware that the goal of the process of sexual intercourse staple is the link to the case of starchy emotional for both sides ( Do not be selfish and think of yourself only) and Garret you to mind the following:
Full nudity ( and preferably under cover )
The selection of the optimal time for the occurrence of the act of penetration to make sure that your spouse has reached the other extreme case of starchy and ready to thrill occur in a period of not more than a minute .
Change the status of sexual intercourse with appropriate parties physically and emotionally.
Try not to remember any S_khasaat or previous experiences and comparisons
Address some of the problems ended when the two sides ( Alolthb Alhvav vaginal or when women or premature ejaculation in men ( see the article quickly how to control ejaculation ?)Happy ending :Misses a lot of men do immediately with after Alonta and like he was on a mission was completed . Prudence must be for a period not less than 5 minutes to take into account the continuing process of caressing and kissing and do not skimp on your wife and cuddly physical contact . Also prefer to drink a little water or juice and taken by surprise with the end of the happier your participation in the bath and was keen to show the extent of your love
Kissing and sex
Is the process of using the lips touching anything . Seen using the station as a middle between pure romantic relationship and excessive physical and has several types :
Kiss the forehead of the HRH title
Cheeks and kiss cheeks symbol of tenderness and love
Kiss the foot symbol of subjection
Kiss hands symbol of appreciation and respect
Kisses on the sexual organs , whether male or female , a symbol of harmony and sexual love.
Using the French ( deep kissing Ptlams lips and tongue ) a symbol of love and sex has been associated with a particularly Frenchmen , having recorded in the books of the Kama Sutra and dissemination of French Vartbtt them , the most burning calories at a rate of 2.3 calories per minute as it works to double the rate of metabolism in the body [1] .
There are other types , such as a kiss , a kiss mild eye symbolizes the friendliness and kindness , and kiss her ear and sexual content , and direction of electric , water and direction , and the direction of sudden .Adding to the depth and direction closer to the spirit of the performance and the eyes are closed .
Kissing effect on women
In a study conducted by a team of researchers at New York University on a thousand students and concluded that women care much Qibla Unlike men , women find direction as a means to evaluate the man who could be accepted as a partner for future , but later shall be the role of direction to assist in maintaining the intimacy in the relationship To check the status of the relationship. The men do not ascribe to the kiss of great importance , but they see it as a prelude to sex , the study concluded that men are not selective in their choice of women who accept it or have sex with them , and that they have no problem in having sex with a woman without kissing her , or with a woman who does not feel the like appeal or know that it " does not improve kissing. As for women Valtaqbil overnight with is a kind of emotional Rabat , no matter what they see as weakness throughout the relationship , while men hide his enthusiasm for the progress of time kissing whenever the relationshipTo kiss a greater impact on women
If the picture needs a thousand words so too direction , or at least for women , this is what scientists say , has conducted a team of researchers at New York University to study thousand of students and concluded that women are heads of a lot on the direction .Women are used as a means to assess the direction the man who can accept a future as a partner , but later shall be using the role to assist in maintaining the intimacy in the relationship and to check the status of the relationship .The men do not attribute great importance to kiss , but they see it as a prelude to sex expert says " the psychology of evolution."The study concluded that these men are not selective in their choice of women who accept it or have sex with them , and that they have no problem in having sex with a woman without kissing her , or with a woman does not feel attraction towards it or know that it " does not improve the kissing ."As for women Valtaqbil overnight with is a kind of emotional Rabat , no matter what they see as weakness throughout the relationship , while men hide his enthusiasm for the progress of time kissing whenever the relationship .There is also a difference between the character kisses favored by both men and women , men prefer to use the tongue.The researcher said Gordon Gallup said kissing evolved over time to become an important part of the process of intimate communication between the sexes.
The most important reasons for the erection for men and sexual impotence and methods of treatment
Not known erectile dysfunction as the inability to achieve an erection, or dissatisfaction with the size and duration of erection hardness or because the reasons for lack of erection for psychological reasons in addition to the physical problems related to supplying blood to the organ. Reasons and due to the lack of erectile dysfunction:
High cholesterol in the blood
Vascular disease
10 Weird Facts About Cheating
new study claims that women are more likely to cheat on their man if he has big balls. (Yep, you read that right.) Researchers from the University of Oslo
studied monkeys, grasshoppers, and sea urchins specifically-and they
found that a female is more likely to have other sexual relationships if
her mate has large testicles.The testicles of humans are one-and-a-half times larger than those of
gorillas-and researchers say this shows that we are an unfaithful race
by nature.Personally,
we'd like to know why they decided to study monkeys, bugs, and sea
urchins to determine human behavior, but we digress. The point is that you'd probably have to have big balls to interject yourself into someone else's relationship. (Bro code, guys?)Hungry for other bizarre facts found from cheating studies? Here are 10 research-backed findings that had us doing a double take:1 . Facebook Could Foster InfidelityA new study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and
Social Networking suggests that Facebook leads users to reconnect with
old flings, which in turn, leads to more affairs, breakups, and
divorces.2 . The French Are Big-Time CheatersThe French are known as the world's best lovers, but they might not be the most loyal. In fact, a French poll found that a majority of men and a third of women admitted to cheating on their partners. Infidelity has been on the rise in that country since the 1970s, when only about 19 percent admitted to cheating.3 . Fakers Are More Likely to CheatIf your partner is faking the big O in bed ... watch out. It could be a sign that he or she is getting action from someone else. One study found that both men and women who faked orgasms were far more likely to be unfaithful.4 . Cheaters Love Chain RestaurantsSuspect that your partner is cheating? The first place you might want to scope out is a chain. (Yo
quiero ... an affair?) The infamous extra-marital affair dating website
Ashley Madison asked more than 40,000 cheaters where they loved to wine
and dine in secret and revealed the top 10 dining destinations to have
an affair. Among them? Red Lobster, Outback Steakhouse, Chili's, and PF Chang's.5 . Cheaters Also Love Chain StoresAfter delving into the dating habits of the unfaithful, AshleyMadison.com asked about their shopping habits. In their poll of 50,000-plus women, more than a third said they spend more money to keep up their looks for their secret lover. In addition, 27 percent said they have a secret credit card to keep their financial infidelity under wraps. So what are some of the most popular stores for cheaters? Banana Republic, J. Crew, Macy's, Ann Taylor, and H & M all ranked high on the list
Why Guys Say Things on Social Media That They Won't Say to You
a scenario you might recognize if you're a woman dating a social media
butterfly: You're sitting on the couch together silently watching TV. When you take a moment to peek at your Twitter feed, you see your
significant other has been sharing a stream of personal thoughts about
House of Cards with the Twitterverse-even though he hasn't uttered a
word to you.It's
no surprise that men tend to be more tight-lipped than women about
their thoughts and feelings, but social media is creating a haven for
some men to express themselves online in ways they don't in person-and
never would have before. From a relationship perspective, that can be a good and bad thing. Women can now turn to social media to get more insight into what their
partners think, but where's the intimacy in that when those feelings
are also being broadcast to hundreds of Facebook friends and thousands
of Twitter followers?
Recent data from Pew Research Center suggests that social media is making its way into relationships more than ever, with 74 percent of couples surveyed saying the Internet has impacted their relationship in a good way. Women are more likely than men to use social media, with 71 percent of women participating, compared with 62 percent of men, according to the latest report from Women's Media Center. However, what psychologists and researchers find especially interesting is that, while women are equally willing to share the thoughts they spew out into the digital ether with someone face to face, men are much less likely to do the same.Eva Buechel, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Miami who has studied why people share content online, has found that men and women who experience social anxiety-and therefore have a greater need to express their negative emotions and seek support-are equally likely to maintain a blog or social media account. However, "while socially apprehensive females share equally across different communication channels-face to face or microblog-males seem to show a very strong preference for microblog," says Buechel. Introverts also find it easier to share their thoughts online than in person.Other research from Northwestern University shows that men are increasingly more likely to share their creative work, like writing, music, or art, online. Nearly two-thirds of men in a 2008 study said they post their work online, compared with only half of the women who reported posting.
Females, of course, are well-versed at expressing their feelings. "Women usually have close and intimate friendships, which might make it easy to approach a friend when they need to talk to someone," says Buechel. "Men have different relationships with their friends, and they might find it more difficult to approach someone in particular to talk to when they need someone to listen or comfort them."Such friendship dynamics can contribute to men feeling more apprehensive about expressing themselves when it comes to real-rather than digital-life. "When men are texting, emailing, or communicating through another technological channel, they feel less threatened and are more likely to share their thoughts and feelings because they don't have to deal with the reaction from the other person in-person in real- time, "says Seth Meyers, Psy.D., a Los Angeles psychologist.That's one reason Avidan Ackerson, 28, a software engineer in New York with three different Twitter accounts, tends to share more personal things on Twitter than he does on Facebook. "I don't necessarily always want someone who knows me well to know things about me, but I want someone to know these things," he says.
Ben *, 28, who works in commercial real estate finance in New York City and tweets as much as 50 times a day, has yet to reveal his Twitter handle to the woman he's been dating for a month, even though he tweeted about their first date shortly after it happened. "It's not something I am embarrassed to share, but it's a level of intimacy we have not yet achieved in real life," he says. And it will probably be months before they become Facebook friends."Connecting online offers men the illusion of security, even though it often causes frustration later among their dates, who are wondering, 'Why is he different and more closed when we're actually together?'" Says Meyers.Though frustrating for women who prefer face-to-face communication with their mates, social media may offer a halfway point. "Men are not very good communicators," says Michael Busby, 47, a system programmer and lecturer at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky, and an avid blogger. "When we get frustrated, we really start to break down. There are times when [I get overwhelmed in the classroom], I start to stutter. I have to calm down. But a controlled environment encourages us to have more confidence."Jessica Riches, 23, a social media consultant in London, says her boyfriend, who tweets constantly, is pretty good at communicating. But visiting his Twitter page and seeing everything from his day-to-day activities to his thoughts and feelings can make her feel closer to him, as well. "I look at it more regularly [when] I miss him and wonder what he's up to."Still, for a woman from Venus and a man from Mars, there's something frustrating about a man's willingness to communicate with thousands of people-some friends, some strangers-in a way he can't seem to do with the person lying right next to him in bed

Even if he's just not that into you, it might take the guy a while to break off a relationship. When it comes to breaking up, most women pull the plug within a week-while men drag out the decision for over a month, according to a recent British survey conducted by Palamedes PR.The survey asked 500 unmarried couples how they would hypothetically handle a rift in their current relationship. A whopping 53 percent of men said they would need to do "some serious soul searching" to decide whether or not to break up, compared to just 23 percent of women. Men were also more likely than women to discuss their relationship problems with a close friend or family member before ending things. Call it female intuition, but it looks like we make up our minds pretty quickly when it comes to a split.That said, you might want to take these stats with a grain of salt since the survey was commissioned by a site called Sheleft.me, which targets bitter and recently dumped dudes. Still, it's interesting to see that most of the guys thought long and hard about their breakups before acting on them. So are we the more decisive sex? Maybe. One hundred percent of the women surveyed agreed that they wouldn't want to remain in an unhappy relationship for a moment longer than necessary. Truth!
You're familiar with the fortune cookie game, right? The one where you say "in bed" after you read your fortune? Well I once cracked open a cookie to find this: "You need to dedicate more time to others." ... In bed.
Needless to say, I was offended. Who did this cookie think it was? And what did it know about my bedroom performance? I'm not a selfish lover! At least, I try not to be. And I'm not alone: Most men care about more than just our own big finish. We want you to get yours, too, and a new study even proved it. Men really get off on women crossing the finish line.
Still don't believe that me? Here are eight reasons we love it when you orgasm:
We like to feel accomplished
You ever see a guy right after he receives a promotion at work? Or after his fantasy football team wins the league? He stands a little taller, puffs his chest out a little more. We crave that sense of achievement in the bedroom, too. So even if your guy's drooling into his pillow, if you just had an orgasm, you can bet he's dreaming the dreams of a champion.
Big Os bring us closer
Orgasms flood both our brains with the bonding hormone oxytocin. It makes you feel more connected, love-y, and just all around awesome. And hey, why should we experience this feel-good cocktail on our own?
We get a private show
Watching you lose control turns us on. When you curl your toes, bite your lip, arch your back ... that's some real stuff. And we're the only ones who get to see it.
Your voice sounds amazing at that volume
We generally only hear you raise your voice under two circumstances: You're really mad at us, or you're really happy with us. When you're on the precipice of an orgasm, we assume you're in that second category.
We like to know you're having just as good a time as we are
There's no Yelp for men (well, this app comes close) so the only reviews we have to go on are your own enthusiasm. This means we strive to deliver upstanding service every single time. We know you can still be enjoying yourself without an orgasm, but that doesn't make us any less committed to the task.
Your happiness is important to us
That's part of the reason we love to give you things. Orgasms, as it turns out, just happen to be way cheaper (and more mind-blowing) than flowers or jewelry.
You're like a sexy chameleon
As you heat up and your blood starts flowing faster, your chest can turn a little pink. It's called "sex flush," and it looks great on you.
Honestly, we're just impressed
Reports from the field indicate that women can experience multiple orgasms. This is foreign to men, which makes it all the more epic to watch.
Marriage 'can refer to a legal contract and civil status, a religious rite, and a social practice, all of which vary by legal jurisdiction, religious doctrine, and culture. History shows considerable variation in marital practices: polygyny has been widely practiced, some societies have approved of extra-marital sex and, arguably, recognized same-sex marriages, and religious or civil officiation has not always been the norm (Boswell 1994; Mohr 2005 , 62; Coontz 2006). More fundamentally, while the contemporary Western ideal of marriage involves a relationship of love, friendship, or companionship, marriage historically functioned primarily as an economic and political unit used to create kinship bonds, control inheritance, and share resources and labor. Indeed, some ancients and medievals discouraged 'excessive' love in marriage. The 'love revolution' in marriage dates popularly to the 18 th century (Coontz 2006, Part 3).Ethical and political questions regarding marriage are sometimes answered by appeal to the definition of marriage. But the historical and cultural variation in marital practices has prompted some philosophers to argue that marriage is a 'family resemblance' concept, with no essential purpose or structure (Wasserstrom 1974). If marriage has no essential features, then one cannot appeal to definition to justify particular legal or moral obligations. For instance, if monogamy is not an essential feature of marriage, then one cannot appeal to the definition of marriage to justify moral or legal norms of monogamy. To a certain extent, the point that actual legal or social definitions cannot justify purportedly essential elements of marriage is just. First, past applications of a term need not yield necessary and sufficient criteria for applying it: 'marriage' (like 'citizen') may be extended to new cases without thereby changing its meaning (Mercier 2001). Second, appeal to definition may be uninformative: for example, legal definitions are sometimes circular, defining marriage in terms of spouses and spouses in terms of marriage (Mohr 2005, 57). Third, appeal to an existing definition in the context of debate over what the law of marriage, or its moral obligations, should be risks begging the question: in debate over same-sex marriage, for example, appeal to the current legal definition begs the normative question of what the law should be. However, this point also tells against the argument for the family resemblance view of marriage, as the variation of marital forms in practice does not preclude the existence of a normatively ideal form. Thus, philosophers who defend an essentialist definition of marriage offer normative definitions, which appeal to fundamental ethical or political principles. Defining marriage must depend on, rather than precede, ethical and political inquiry
Here are a few essential helpful hints it is advisable to always remember while you are you're performing the seeing performance if you're questioning learn how to snag. Although it might not usually look like it, there very are several fantastic men to choose from anticipating you - dating and advice. You will have browse relationship instruction for ladies in advance of, however these are a couple steps which may be time proven and tested to your workplace. possibly found out by yourself curious what people would like, this article is going to have been compiled in your case. A very important rule can be to basically just be and rest on your own. You can be wanting to make an enduring connect relating to the both of you, nonetheless this could sensible cliche. In due course, you'll need to find an item in just one an alternative which can actually press. If the both of you are straightforward regarding what you're interested in see in a partnership, the only method this can easily come about is. There is absolutely no method for fraudulent a persona throughout the way you live, you may to boot enable your the case personal glimmer after a particular date. Another fundamental one such internet dating strategies of women of all ages usually is to enable information come about organically during the period of only a few schedules. It could actually wonderfully be factual that most men generally are terrified of determination. Yet you can't transition who they really are indoors, so the best longterm option can be to modify what you want to suit his. Don't expect to see a special love affair right away. Really, you want to do your greatest to delicately thrust activities because track as time goes by. You need to be reasonably wide open minded with regards to character about the adult men that you diligently interact with on appointments. This will be relevant relationship help and advice for girls on the grounds that a great many create an inflexible range of goals of the things a male is generally like. But array is really the liven of existence, so have the individuality eccentricities you find by getting a grain of sodium. Should a male has some different motivations that you've never ever seen prior to the, utilize this as the ability to study a new challenge about an item you might never have the opportunity to find out about. Inevitably, you don't end up being in addition in front at the first and foremost day to thrill men - where do i find a man. So many want marriages, not opportunities for connect-ups. Bear that as time develops within the event. If you think like continuing to move forward, that can be for you to decide. This is because it may sense that exercising a tightrope, this is considered the most biggest most important courting approaches for women of all ages. But in the case you remain the truth to you and your family and wide open minded, you can expect to effortlessly discover that be aware of what adult males actually want to realize while they time you.To be honest that the majority of female know that they turn out gathering gentlemen who definitely are definitely not what we are searching for, even if you want in order to satisfy somebody that you think there is a reference to as soon as be part of an internet-based online dating service plans. This could certainly produce a young lady to feel as if dating online products are simply a total waste. Suitably, they don't must be. You can get some achieving success with picking somebody if you choose the precise products and know about what really works to search for an awesome male website. I am talking about that you really don't aspire to enroll in a page which uses a large number of scantily clad ladies within their advertisements with that. Those individuals internet websites bring the level of chap who wants an effortless connect without having to very trying to get just about anything important. The precise areas will likely be those who are more demure inside of their ads and people are more likely to engage men that are in fact exploring to remain a wholly commited love affair. Some of the most effective to transform within the proper individuals is generally to shut down an unacceptable varieties and that what will happen anytime you in actual fact put together your description to ensure that it echos whom you are and what you need - aaron fox drama method review. Proverb hazy point like, I would like to hire a company to go out with, doesn't unquestionably echo your identiity and what you are looking in your union. Considering the fact that these kinds of are most likely the people you wouldn't literally interact with in any case, become more specified and don't be worried that you may frighten away some gents. A single one visualize doesn't simply say good enough in regards to you. You might have many different elements to your identiity, as a result, maintaining variety of imagery enables you to demonstrate that out. You ought to showcase the enterprise end people, the fun portion, the amazing aspect, and so forth .. You will definitely get noticed from boys and this might be the nice sorts of awareness that you are researching for,. That's greater lengths and widths that one could present using your illustrations or photos, the much more likely it.It's even more complicated so they can seek out pleasant internet dating strategies, though it may possibly be challenging plenty of for ladies in excess of 40 currently. Step 1 a lady for 40 to be positive to wear period. She could very well atmosphere threatened and get worried that males are interested in younger adult females. Notwithstanding, she ought not make an attempt to outfit like them, lest she seem risky. She have to put on gear that is definitely recommended for her years group of people and the entire body kind, other than put on younger variations, which are generally skintight and a lot overly disclosing. Girls on top of 40 ought to be bound to function how old they are. Regardless if she really feels afraid of adult females, it does not always mean she need to try to contend by dance on alcoholic beverage. It truly is a good deal of hotter to figure out someone who seems to be confident with themselves, displaying elements like elegance, self-respect, and knowledge. After that, girls in 40 must always bear in mind their purpose within bond. she actually is over the age of her husband or wife, it does not necessarily mean she ought to new mother him. Even though gals are effortlessly taking care of and thoughtful, she if be aware that her individual certainly boasts a mum, and doesn't have a need for one more. Consequently she has to stay away from nagging just like a new mother would do a wonderful way to discourage a man away! An individual edge women of all ages during 40 have is because tend to be at ease with their own bodies and even more in contact with their sensuality than their young adult competitors. They shouldn't be reluctant that they are sensual and amorous using most suitable dude. He is certainly so amazed that he'll very soon overlook previous years fans! A lot of women should accept their cleverness. There is not any should play around to thrill anyone; the simplest way to amaze him would likely be to show you're his cerebral similar. This helps to create an mature female with increased existence experiences and information independent of the young adult types, who might be inadequate maturation and poise. A female on 40 who may be going out with will have to re-check her expectations - review of drama method. It in all likelihood isn't sensible to need precisely the same areas in a very male at 40 just like you managed to do at 20. Every now and then it might be useful to perspectives - you will never know whom you could match in that way! Much older wives really should not be scared to flirt including a guy they're serious about. How different would you expect to see him to learn that you're concerned? Flirting could also be an of connecting that you're comfortable and find out what - and who - you need. Even though it's slightly, the power of staying on your own tremendously can not be over-stated. A female during 40 probably will be very proud of living she's resided, the feelings and comprehension she's gathered, and also man or woman she's come to be. There's not a thing more pleasing on a gentleman in comparison to lovely lady who relishes and themselves
Outercourse has several disadvantages:
Women and men may let outercourse lead to intercourse without being ready to protect themselves from pregnancy or infection.
Some people may find it hard to abstain from intercourse.
Sperm may come in contact with the vagina
Fact: fantasising - during masturbation and sex - boosts your satisfaction.And turning those frisky imaginings into real-life sex can work magic on your health, too - research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found those who engage in BDSM seem to be psychologically healthier, most likely because being open to your sexual kinks increases self- acceptance.But WH sex expert Jacqueline Hellyer says just because you enjoy fantasising about, say, an orgy, doesn't mean you need to actually throw your keys into a bowl. "That said, it can give you insights," she says. So take our quiz to help unlock your fantasy profile ...1 Which fantasy character do you find the sexiest?A) A vampireB) A slaveC) Someone outside your usual gender preferenceD) A stripperE) Why just one? A few of the above2 Which activity turns you on?A) Wearing handcuffsB) Handcuffing a partnerC) Wearing a strap-onD) Watching or being watchedE) Being penetrated or touched all over your body3 Which setting appears in your fantasies?A) Christian Grey's apartmentB) A female domination clubC) An orgyD) A strip clubE) A swingers' club4 Which of these would you say feature most often in your fantasies?A) FearB) AngerC) ExperimentationD) ObservationE) Hedonism5 Which of these characters would you feel sexiest dressed as?A) A geishaB) CatwomanC) James BondD) Burlesque dancerE) Porn star6 Which of these lines, from a partner, do you find arousing?A) "You're mine and I'll do what I want to you."B) "Whatever you say, Mistress."C) "I don't want to judge you. I just want you. "D) "I love watching you."E) "Can my friend join us?"What's your fantasy blueprint?Count your ticks - if you have three or more for any one category (A to E), they are central to your fantasy profile ...A. Submission Psychotherapist Dr Brett Kahr, author of the largest study on sexual fantasy, found more than a third of people have submissive fantasies. Psychologists say it's about a desire to relinquish control, with University of Sussex research finding it common among "controlling" women.You (might) love Fluffy Love Cuffs ($ 55, Max Black). "These are good for beginners because they have a strong but supple suede clasp with a super-soft faux-fur lining," says Sonya Sirny, boudoir expert at Max Black adult store. Get more ideas with the app Kindu, where you rate a variety of adventures and it compiles a list of things you might enjoy. And google pics of Jamie Dornan for inspo.B. Domination Women with dominant fantasies tend to feel anxious about losing control, says Professor Zoltan Dienes, an expert in unconscious desires. Utilising these fantasies can make you feel powerful inside and outside the bedroom - tied and tested. And don't forget that link between BDSM and good mental health.You (might) love To give a good spanking; try a Fur-Lined Pleasure Paddle ($ 75, Max Black). "Most paddles have a double layer of stitched leather that's quite hard - a little too harsh for beginners," says Sirny. "But this one can deliver a sting with one side and a soft, sensual spanking with the other." Then all you need is a naughty boy.C. Same sex This might be fantasising you are a man or fantasising about someone of the same sex, even though you're straight. Sexual researcher Dr Lisa Diamond, author of Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire, says terms like heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual are too rigid, since sexuality is fluid. In fact, about a quarter of straight people fantasise about same-sex liaisons.You (might) love A strap-on. You heard right. "[You'll] need a harness to hold the toy, and a toy made of phthalate-free materials; stick to silicone if you have sensitivities," says Sirny. The Tantus Bend Over Beginner Harness Kit ($ 135, Max Black) gives you both.D. Exhibitionism Kahr's research suggests that exhibitionist fantasies often express a masochistic desire to get caught in the act and be punished. But they can also be a way to feel "seen" if someone feels invisible. George Michael must have been aiming for the former, we s'pose.You (might) love Making a movie. MLNP.tv (Make Love Not Porn) is a site where users pay to upload their own film, and can watch other people's videos, too. The revenue is split between contributors and the site. Just remember to cover your ID, in case Kevin from IT recognises you.E. Group sex Group-sex fantasies allow scope for more diverse stimulation - more hands, tongues and limbs. A fifth of people in Kahr's study had fantasies about orgies, and 35 per cent of those fantasised about sex with two or more women. Eager beavers.You (might) love A swingers' club. "If you have a partner, make sure you're both on the same page," says Hellyer. "Be clear about why you want to try it, your fears and what to do if either of you gets uncomfortable. You have to be a team. "Or check out sites like Adult Match Maker to find singles and couples to have fun with. Just ensure HungLikeHefner isn't Kevin from IT.If you answered ...A. A stripperB. Watched or being watchedC. A strip clubD. A burlesque... then go straight to exhibitionism
Whether you were the initiator of a split or on the receiving end, you can still get the break up blues. It's not easy, but the worst thing that you can do is to sit around at home and dwell on the past. Instead, as soon as possible, begin taking positive steps to get yourself out and about again, so you can start to plan your new life. If you are unfortunate enough to be in the throes of the break up blues, here are a few steps you can take to start making yourself feel a bit better:1 . Allow yourself ONE final day of grievingOur first tip on how to feel better after a break up is - allow yourself one final day of grieving. It's no good holding in all that emotion for too long, so give yourself one single day to let it all out. Have a good cry, scream if you want to, just get that grief out and then you can start to think more positively.2 . Hang out with the kidsChildren are great, and their innocence and straight forward thinking can be a fantastic tonic, when you are feeling down. Spend a day with a niece or a nephew and treat them to a simple pizza, movie or a day at a theme park; you'd have to try really hard not to have fun, when you are around kids.3 . Go wild with the girlsAnother tip for getting over a break up is - have a girl 's night out and make a good one! A few drinks and you'll soon be getting things off your chest to your friends and don't forget that you have no one to report into now, so you can stay out as long as you like.4 . Get adventurousOur next advice for getting over a break up is - get the adrenaline pumping and try something new Read more ... »and adventurous: sky diving, rock climbing, or take up a martial art; you can let some of the grief and aggression out and experience something new at the same time.5 . Out with the old and in with newDe-clutter your life and have a thorough clear out, it's another easy, yet effective tip on how to feel better after a break up. Remove all the photographs, CD's and other things that will remind you of your ex and spring clean your home, while you're at it. Don't forget to clear out your social media as well; you don't need to follow that guy any more.6 . Spend time with familySpending time with your loved ones is another great advice for getting over a break up and for starting to feel better. Remind yourself that there are some people who will always be there for you, no matter what, by spending some time with your family. Even better, invite the family round to your place, it will replace the space left by your ex with some love and laughter and make your home feel a less lonely place.7 . Sign up on an online dating siteWhen you're sure that you are ready, sign up on an online dating site. There's no pressure to go on any dates yet, when you are still getting over a break up, especially if you're not ready, but it will be fun checking out the market and it will give you a real boost to know that people still want you.8 . Get out there and be singleJust because you're single, it doesn't mean that you have to jump right back into the dating game again, you could just enjoy being single for a while. You're free and you have no ties, no obligations, so you can do whatever you like. Why not take yourself off on a short break somewhere exotic for a week or two? Go on, treat yourself!Getting over a break up is never easy, but we hope that these tips can help you to overcome the blues and to start enjoying your life again.Do you have some other tips to help those who are getting over a break up? Please, share them in the comment section below
Protect your own happy spaceOur first tip on how to deal with difficult people is - don't get sucked into their negativity. Be on your guard and protect your own happy space, when talking to a negative person. Stay positive in your own mind and avoid simply agreeing with them, as this won't help them and it may bring you down too.2 . Care about them and try to listen to what they have to sayIt might be tempting to run a mile to get away from a negative person, but having someone to just listen to them might be what they need. Don't just witch off when they talk either, this will just compound their thoughts that no one cares about them.3 . Don't agree and don't stay silentJust agreeing that the world is a rotten place to be won't help them, but neither will it be of much use, if you just sit there in silence and make no comments at all. To help them, you need to gently challenge their negative assumptions; silence will only infer your agreement.4 . Get them to focus on one simple, positive thingAnother good tip on how to deal with difficult people is - don't try and fix their problems for them. Don't try to be an amateur psychiatrist and think that you can solve their problems for them in a day. Try instead to get them to focus on one simple positive thing to take their minds away from the negative things. It could be as simple as talking about what's on TV, how bright and sunny it is today, or how much fun you had together the last time that you met. Even if you give the person only a short respite from the negativity, it's a start.5 . Give them a chance to vent their emotionsOur next tip on how to deal with difficult people is - give them time to get things off their chest, before you try to change the subject. Diverting the topic of conversation away from their problems immediately will only add to their feeling of isolation. Let them have ten minutes venting first, then they know you care enough to listen.6 . Try to bring their problems into perspectiveNegative or depressed people tend to do what the psychiatrists call catastrophizing. That is, they see things as being far worse, than they really are. Challenging those thoughts, along with a bit of empathy, can help them see the truth, through phrases such as: 'I understand why you would think that, but ...'7 . Be prepared to accept them as they areYou can only try so hard to cheer a person up, so know when to quit, or you won't be thanked for your efforts. Some people just are more negative, than others, it's the way that they are made and, strange as it may sound, they are quite happy being a moaner and a groaner.8 . Encourage them to seek help, if you are really worried about themIt's a difficult topic to raise to someone, but if they are really down and you think that they might be suffering from depression, then you should encourage them to see a doctor. An estimated one in ten Americans experience depression in the course of their lives, so it's not unusual and it's nothing to be ashamed of. To make it easier, you could suggest that the person sees a doctor to get something to perk them up a bit, rather than actually using the term 'anti-depressant'.Do you have some other tips on how to deal with difficult people? Please, share your thoughts in the comment section below
We're not sure if many parents still do the birds and the bees talk to their kids Read more ... »and if they do, their kids probably know more than them by then anyway, but there are some things about sex that you only learn through practical experience, the things that no one told you. It's not all about dimmed lights, a raging log fire and a perfect night of making love; in fact, sometimes it can be downright hilarious, when things don't go as they should, so here are eight things that you won't find in your basic sex for beginners guide:1 . It doesn't really last that longLoving all night long might make for some great song lyrics, but really, do you have that much stamina? For most people, it's quite a swift affair and anyway, you've got work in the morning. Apparently, according to surveys, the average sex session lasts for less than ten minutes, so if you're going into extra time, then thank your lucky stars!2 . Not all other bodily functions cease during sexWhen you're in the midst of passionate abandon, your body can let you down with some little surprises mid coitus, especially after a heavy meal. All that jigging about is sometimes just what your stomach needed to release that bit of trapped wind and it's normally right when things are getting serious. :)3 . Men just fall asleep afterwardsDon't worry when he rolls over and goes straight to sleep after sex, it's not a callous disregard for your feelings; it's just what men do. It's a natural sign of contentment and satisfaction and his sleepiness is brought on by chemicals released into his body when he ejaculates, so it's perfectly natural, he still loves you.4 . Things don't always go smoothlyYou want things to go smoothly, but sometimes nature needs a little help in the lubrication department. Women Read more ... »of all ages can suffer from dryness, making sex painful and possibly even damaging for the vaginal lining, so it's best to have some lube to hand, just in case.5 . Sex can be loud, really loudYou think it's just your neighbors that make all that noise? If you were to make a tape of most people's vocalization during sex and then play it back, it would be worth a giggle if nothing else, but some people could be in a rock band, on the decibel scale.6 . Sex can go wrongExperiment! That's what all the sex guides advise you should do to keep your sex life interesting. That's OK to a point, but have you ever tried some of those positions? At best, some of them will have you both in fits of giggles, but at worst, they'll have you both in traction. Which one of you will have the courage to call the ambulance to get you untangled again? LOL7 . Sex can be disappointingIt's not always fireworks, bells ringing and the earth moving; sometimes it's more like a damp squib, than a sky rocket. They don't tell you about the days that, even though that the mind is more than willing, the body just won't cooperate and, try as you might, you end up back downstairs watching the TV.8 . Practice makes perfectFor most girls, learning how to reach a climax is actually quite a difficult and time consuming task, and your mum certainly never told you about that. It wasn't that long ago the female orgasm was a taboo subject generally, let alone one your mother would give you advice on. The mechanics of sex are fairly straightforward, but getting it right though, takes practice, as well as a loving, caring and unselfish partner.We hope you find these points somewhat fun and useful. Do you have something to add to this list? Please, feel free to comment in the section below
1 . Wanting a Man to ChangeMany women get in a relationship thinking they can change the man. If a man makes a change for a relationship, the benefit must outweigh the consequences of that change. "I get it: You don't want anything to make me as happy as you do. But if you're willing to chase this result by eliminating everything else I might love from my life, then I don't want you ", says Good.2 . An Overwrought Sense of Urgency"Man Code" men liken romance to playing poker. "It's better to conserve emotion for only the most meaningful circumstances," Good says. While men pay attention to overall themes, women tend to sweat the small stuff. He wants women to know that ulterior motives are not a Man Code man thing to play at, if he's out late with his friends, he's just out late with his friends.3 . Sex on the First DateUnfortunate but true, the "Man Code" man is chivalrous but also "red-blooded and carnal" like most guys. If a woman offers sex on the first, any man will probably take her up on that. A woman that can walk away with a goodnight kiss and leave the man guessing appeals much more to men. They like the thrill of a chase.RELATED: Study: Spouse's Voice Easier to Tune In, Tune Out4 . Talking Things to DeathAccording to Good, women need to think of love as "quiet." In other words, it's what you do when no one is looking, how you find their hand when things are bad and tell them it's okay. If you hear "I love you" constantly it loses it's value. "Love is the result of the events in our lives, not the result of talking about the idea of it," assures Good.5 . DisloyaltyLoyalty is everything, it is the currency of our lives, declares Good. When women are disloyal to other women, it tells the man they will be disloyal to them, too.6 . A Failure to Let a Lion be a LionIn the same way that a women wants to feel taken care of and protected, a man wants to know he's the one that made her feel that way. Good explains, "With a look or word, you can empower us."Good has one powerful piece of advice for women: Don't forget why your man fell for you. Woman AND men seem to stop doing the little things they did at the beginning of a relationship that made it fun. Think back and try doing some of the little things you "used" to do for him.

Wow ... I'm getting old.
It's a disturbing thought, one that usually hits after an unexpected physical challenge. Maybe you've been unable to maintain your usual workout levels, or recovery is taking a lot longer than it used to. Perhaps fixes to the house are just a bit more difficult, or you can't perform in the bedroom the way you used to.
most startling about this realization is that you don't normally "feel
old" but, nevertheless, you know you don't look or feel like the man you
used to be.
And the issue? You might not have enough free testosterone
Recent data from Pew Research Center suggests that social media is making its way into relationships more than ever, with 74 percent of couples surveyed saying the Internet has impacted their relationship in a good way. Women are more likely than men to use social media, with 71 percent of women participating, compared with 62 percent of men, according to the latest report from Women's Media Center. However, what psychologists and researchers find especially interesting is that, while women are equally willing to share the thoughts they spew out into the digital ether with someone face to face, men are much less likely to do the same.Eva Buechel, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Miami who has studied why people share content online, has found that men and women who experience social anxiety-and therefore have a greater need to express their negative emotions and seek support-are equally likely to maintain a blog or social media account. However, "while socially apprehensive females share equally across different communication channels-face to face or microblog-males seem to show a very strong preference for microblog," says Buechel. Introverts also find it easier to share their thoughts online than in person.Other research from Northwestern University shows that men are increasingly more likely to share their creative work, like writing, music, or art, online. Nearly two-thirds of men in a 2008 study said they post their work online, compared with only half of the women who reported posting.
Females, of course, are well-versed at expressing their feelings. "Women usually have close and intimate friendships, which might make it easy to approach a friend when they need to talk to someone," says Buechel. "Men have different relationships with their friends, and they might find it more difficult to approach someone in particular to talk to when they need someone to listen or comfort them."Such friendship dynamics can contribute to men feeling more apprehensive about expressing themselves when it comes to real-rather than digital-life. "When men are texting, emailing, or communicating through another technological channel, they feel less threatened and are more likely to share their thoughts and feelings because they don't have to deal with the reaction from the other person in-person in real- time, "says Seth Meyers, Psy.D., a Los Angeles psychologist.That's one reason Avidan Ackerson, 28, a software engineer in New York with three different Twitter accounts, tends to share more personal things on Twitter than he does on Facebook. "I don't necessarily always want someone who knows me well to know things about me, but I want someone to know these things," he says.
Ben *, 28, who works in commercial real estate finance in New York City and tweets as much as 50 times a day, has yet to reveal his Twitter handle to the woman he's been dating for a month, even though he tweeted about their first date shortly after it happened. "It's not something I am embarrassed to share, but it's a level of intimacy we have not yet achieved in real life," he says. And it will probably be months before they become Facebook friends."Connecting online offers men the illusion of security, even though it often causes frustration later among their dates, who are wondering, 'Why is he different and more closed when we're actually together?'" Says Meyers.Though frustrating for women who prefer face-to-face communication with their mates, social media may offer a halfway point. "Men are not very good communicators," says Michael Busby, 47, a system programmer and lecturer at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky, and an avid blogger. "When we get frustrated, we really start to break down. There are times when [I get overwhelmed in the classroom], I start to stutter. I have to calm down. But a controlled environment encourages us to have more confidence."Jessica Riches, 23, a social media consultant in London, says her boyfriend, who tweets constantly, is pretty good at communicating. But visiting his Twitter page and seeing everything from his day-to-day activities to his thoughts and feelings can make her feel closer to him, as well. "I look at it more regularly [when] I miss him and wonder what he's up to."Still, for a woman from Venus and a man from Mars, there's something frustrating about a man's willingness to communicate with thousands of people-some friends, some strangers-in a way he can't seem to do with the person lying right next to him in bed
The Bad Habit 77 Percent of Women Need to Break
When was the last time you complained about your hair or vented to a friend about a particularly huge pimple? Chances are, it wasn't too long ago. According to a recent survey by TODAY and AOL, 77 percent of adult
women complained about their appearance to someone at least once in the
past month.It
might not seem like a huge deal-everyone gripes about their looks now
and then, right?-But it can actually have some pretty damaging side
effects. "That's negative self-talk, and when we hear it, we internalize it," says Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of A Happy You. "This self-deprecation may just be about our looks, but it tends to permeate into other areas of our lives." The result: That nagging, nitpicky voice in your head starts popping up a lot more often.And here's the really bad news: It's actually contagious, says Lombardo. (Just
think of the scene in Mean Girls where they hit the mirror and hate on
everything from their pores to their nail beds.) When a friend is
dissing her outfit, most of us instinctively fire back with something we
don't like about our looks. "It becomes almost like a contest," says Lombardo.So how do you squash the habit and stop the cycle? If
you're constantly making self-deprecating comments, realize how
powerful they are and try to focus on what you'd rather be saying about
yourself, says Lombardo. Another
important tip: Instead of deflecting compliments from others ("Ugh, are
you kidding-my roots are so bad!"), Just simply say thank you, suggests
Lombardo. And don't be afraid to give your friends helpful reminders whenever they're deflecting or being a downer. You'll be stopping the hate-fest before it gets too out of control. For more tips, check out four ways to overcome self-doubt.
How Men Really Feel About Breakups
Even if he's just not that into you, it might take the guy a while to break off a relationship. When it comes to breaking up, most women pull the plug within a week-while men drag out the decision for over a month, according to a recent British survey conducted by Palamedes PR.The survey asked 500 unmarried couples how they would hypothetically handle a rift in their current relationship. A whopping 53 percent of men said they would need to do "some serious soul searching" to decide whether or not to break up, compared to just 23 percent of women. Men were also more likely than women to discuss their relationship problems with a close friend or family member before ending things. Call it female intuition, but it looks like we make up our minds pretty quickly when it comes to a split.That said, you might want to take these stats with a grain of salt since the survey was commissioned by a site called Sheleft.me, which targets bitter and recently dumped dudes. Still, it's interesting to see that most of the guys thought long and hard about their breakups before acting on them. So are we the more decisive sex? Maybe. One hundred percent of the women surveyed agreed that they wouldn't want to remain in an unhappy relationship for a moment longer than necessary. Truth!Even if he's just not that into you, it might take the guy a while to break off a relationship. When it comes to breaking up, most women pull the plug within a week-while men drag out the decision for over a month, according to a recent British survey conducted by Palamedes PR.The survey asked 500 unmarried couples how they would hypothetically handle a rift in their current relationship. A whopping 53 percent of men said they would need to do "some serious soul searching" to decide whether or not to break up, compared to just 23 percent of women. Men were also more likely than women to discuss their relationship problems with a close friend or family member before ending things. Call it female intuition, but it looks like we make up our minds pretty quickly when it comes to a split.That said, you might want to take these stats with a grain of salt since the survey was commissioned by a site called Sheleft.me, which targets bitter and recently dumped dudes. Still, it's interesting to see that most of the guys thought long and hard about their breakups before acting on them. So are we the more decisive sex? Maybe. One hundred percent of the women surveyed agreed that they wouldn't want to remain in an unhappy relationship for a moment longer than necessary. Truth!
Ways to Deal When Your Partner's Job Is Hurting Your Relationship
We never thought we'd say these words, but Adam on HBO's Girls has a job. That's right-in the latest episode, he's cast in the Broadway revival of Major Barbara. Hannah
is ecstatic-but Patti LuPone, who Hannah happens to be interviewing for
an advertorial when she receives the good news about Adam's role,
quickly brings her down: "He's going to need you to support him and
forgive him because he's going to be an asshole, "says the actress and singer. "He's not even going to know you exist-not until the show opens."It's a sentiment that gets repeated to Hannah over and over again throughout the episode. It
gets in her head-to the point where she says to Adam mid-bath, "I don't
want you to get so happy doing the play that you don't like our life
together anymore." Only
time will tell how Adam responds to his newfound employment-but acting
definitely isn't the only job that can take a toll on the love lives of
people who have it. We
asked our Facebook followers to share some of the times when their
partners' jobs have hurt their relationships-and how they got through
the rough patches. Here's what they had to say:"My husband is an active-duty Marine who's currently deployed. Even when he's stateside, he's extremely busy. We make do, though. Luckily I work on base with him, so we meet up for lunches a few times a week. We text throughout the day and plan weekend adventures. When he's deployed, we plan out time for Skype dates where we'll share a drink while Skyping or watch a movie together. Despite all the time apart we endure, we are one of the closest and strongest couples I know. "-Desiree Nelson"My
husband works in law enforcement, and the schedule can be inconsistent;
sometimes he has to work late or on weekends at the last minute. It does bother me, but when I get upset I remind myself of all the good things he does for our family and how hard he works. It helps me appreciate him more. "-Nevada Reeves"My
partner works very hard at his job-which I love and appreciate him
for-but sometimes it will prevent him from having the energy to have
sex. We deal with it by having sex twice the next day. "-Eva Gilbert"After being together for about two years and living together for six months, my boyfriend switched shifts. Being
on different schedules really took some adjusting for us, and it seemed
we were falling out of sync in more ways than one. We had to change our eating habits a little since I'd be ready for dinner at the same time he'd be expecting breakfast. We
also had to become more comfortable doing things independently since he
might not be ready to wake up just because I'm home for the evening and
vice-versa. At the same time, we started to develop relationship rituals so we would have designated times for each other. Things
are certainly better now, two years later, but I still miss being able
to sleep next to him and being able to text with him during the day.
"-Kalene Lukow
We never thought we'd say these words, but Adam on HBO's Girls has a job. That's right-in the latest episode, he's cast in the Broadway revival of Major Barbara. Hannah
is ecstatic-but Patti LuPone, who Hannah happens to be interviewing for
an advertorial when she receives the good news about Adam's role,
quickly brings her down: "He's going to need you to support him and
forgive him because he's going to be an asshole, "says the actress and singer. "He's not even going to know you exist-not until the show opens."It's a sentiment that gets repeated to Hannah over and over again throughout the episode. It
gets in her head-to the point where she says to Adam mid-bath, "I don't
want you to get so happy doing the play that you don't like our life
together anymore." Only
time will tell how Adam responds to his newfound employment-but acting
definitely isn't the only job that can take a toll on the love lives of
people who have it. We
asked our Facebook followers to share some of the times when their
partners' jobs have hurt their relationships-and how they got through
the rough patches. Here's what they had to say:"My husband is an active-duty Marine who's currently deployed. Even when he's stateside, he's extremely busy. We make do, though. Luckily I work on base with him, so we meet up for lunches a few times a week. We text throughout the day and plan weekend adventures. When he's deployed, we plan out time for Skype dates where we'll share a drink while Skyping or watch a movie together. Despite all the time apart we endure, we are one of the closest and strongest couples I know. "-Desiree Nelson"My
husband works in law enforcement, and the schedule can be inconsistent;
sometimes he has to work late or on weekends at the last minute. It does bother me, but when I get upset I remind myself of all the good things he does for our family and how hard he works. It helps me appreciate him more. "-Nevada Reeves"My
partner works very hard at his job-which I love and appreciate him
for-but sometimes it will prevent him from having the energy to have
sex. We deal with it by having sex twice the next day. "-Eva Gilbert"After being together for about two years and living together for six months, my boyfriend switched shifts. Being
on different schedules really took some adjusting for us, and it seemed
we were falling out of sync in more ways than one. We had to change our eating habits a little since I'd be ready for dinner at the same time he'd be expecting breakfast. We
also had to become more comfortable doing things independently since he
might not be ready to wake up just because I'm home for the evening and
vice-versa. At the same time, we started to develop relationship rituals so we would have designated times for each other. Things
are certainly better now, two years later, but I still miss being able
to sleep next to him and being able to text with him during the day.
"-Kalene Lukow
Reasons Guys Love it When You Orgasm
You're familiar with the fortune cookie game, right? The one where you say "in bed" after you read your fortune? Well I once cracked open a cookie to find this: "You need to dedicate more time to others." ... In bed.
Needless to say, I was offended. Who did this cookie think it was? And what did it know about my bedroom performance? I'm not a selfish lover! At least, I try not to be. And I'm not alone: Most men care about more than just our own big finish. We want you to get yours, too, and a new study even proved it. Men really get off on women crossing the finish line.
Still don't believe that me? Here are eight reasons we love it when you orgasm:
We like to feel accomplished
You ever see a guy right after he receives a promotion at work? Or after his fantasy football team wins the league? He stands a little taller, puffs his chest out a little more. We crave that sense of achievement in the bedroom, too. So even if your guy's drooling into his pillow, if you just had an orgasm, you can bet he's dreaming the dreams of a champion.
Big Os bring us closer
Orgasms flood both our brains with the bonding hormone oxytocin. It makes you feel more connected, love-y, and just all around awesome. And hey, why should we experience this feel-good cocktail on our own?
We get a private show
Watching you lose control turns us on. When you curl your toes, bite your lip, arch your back ... that's some real stuff. And we're the only ones who get to see it.
Your voice sounds amazing at that volume
We generally only hear you raise your voice under two circumstances: You're really mad at us, or you're really happy with us. When you're on the precipice of an orgasm, we assume you're in that second category.
We like to know you're having just as good a time as we are
There's no Yelp for men (well, this app comes close) so the only reviews we have to go on are your own enthusiasm. This means we strive to deliver upstanding service every single time. We know you can still be enjoying yourself without an orgasm, but that doesn't make us any less committed to the task.
Your happiness is important to us
That's part of the reason we love to give you things. Orgasms, as it turns out, just happen to be way cheaper (and more mind-blowing) than flowers or jewelry.
You're like a sexy chameleon
As you heat up and your blood starts flowing faster, your chest can turn a little pink. It's called "sex flush," and it looks great on you.
Honestly, we're just impressed
Reports from the field indicate that women can experience multiple orgasms. This is foreign to men, which makes it all the more epic to watch.
Defining Marriage
Marriage 'can refer to a legal contract and civil status, a religious rite, and a social practice, all of which vary by legal jurisdiction, religious doctrine, and culture. History shows considerable variation in marital practices: polygyny has been widely practiced, some societies have approved of extra-marital sex and, arguably, recognized same-sex marriages, and religious or civil officiation has not always been the norm (Boswell 1994; Mohr 2005 , 62; Coontz 2006). More fundamentally, while the contemporary Western ideal of marriage involves a relationship of love, friendship, or companionship, marriage historically functioned primarily as an economic and political unit used to create kinship bonds, control inheritance, and share resources and labor. Indeed, some ancients and medievals discouraged 'excessive' love in marriage. The 'love revolution' in marriage dates popularly to the 18 th century (Coontz 2006, Part 3).Ethical and political questions regarding marriage are sometimes answered by appeal to the definition of marriage. But the historical and cultural variation in marital practices has prompted some philosophers to argue that marriage is a 'family resemblance' concept, with no essential purpose or structure (Wasserstrom 1974). If marriage has no essential features, then one cannot appeal to definition to justify particular legal or moral obligations. For instance, if monogamy is not an essential feature of marriage, then one cannot appeal to the definition of marriage to justify moral or legal norms of monogamy. To a certain extent, the point that actual legal or social definitions cannot justify purportedly essential elements of marriage is just. First, past applications of a term need not yield necessary and sufficient criteria for applying it: 'marriage' (like 'citizen') may be extended to new cases without thereby changing its meaning (Mercier 2001). Second, appeal to definition may be uninformative: for example, legal definitions are sometimes circular, defining marriage in terms of spouses and spouses in terms of marriage (Mohr 2005, 57). Third, appeal to an existing definition in the context of debate over what the law of marriage, or its moral obligations, should be risks begging the question: in debate over same-sex marriage, for example, appeal to the current legal definition begs the normative question of what the law should be. However, this point also tells against the argument for the family resemblance view of marriage, as the variation of marital forms in practice does not preclude the existence of a normatively ideal form. Thus, philosophers who defend an essentialist definition of marriage offer normative definitions, which appeal to fundamental ethical or political principles. Defining marriage must depend on, rather than precede, ethical and political inquiry
Useful Adult Dating Help And Advice With Regards To Singular Women
Here are a few essential helpful hints it is advisable to always remember while you are you're performing the seeing performance if you're questioning learn how to snag. Although it might not usually look like it, there very are several fantastic men to choose from anticipating you - dating and advice. You will have browse relationship instruction for ladies in advance of, however these are a couple steps which may be time proven and tested to your workplace. possibly found out by yourself curious what people would like, this article is going to have been compiled in your case. A very important rule can be to basically just be and rest on your own. You can be wanting to make an enduring connect relating to the both of you, nonetheless this could sensible cliche. In due course, you'll need to find an item in just one an alternative which can actually press. If the both of you are straightforward regarding what you're interested in see in a partnership, the only method this can easily come about is. There is absolutely no method for fraudulent a persona throughout the way you live, you may to boot enable your the case personal glimmer after a particular date. Another fundamental one such internet dating strategies of women of all ages usually is to enable information come about organically during the period of only a few schedules. It could actually wonderfully be factual that most men generally are terrified of determination. Yet you can't transition who they really are indoors, so the best longterm option can be to modify what you want to suit his. Don't expect to see a special love affair right away. Really, you want to do your greatest to delicately thrust activities because track as time goes by. You need to be reasonably wide open minded with regards to character about the adult men that you diligently interact with on appointments. This will be relevant relationship help and advice for girls on the grounds that a great many create an inflexible range of goals of the things a male is generally like. But array is really the liven of existence, so have the individuality eccentricities you find by getting a grain of sodium. Should a male has some different motivations that you've never ever seen prior to the, utilize this as the ability to study a new challenge about an item you might never have the opportunity to find out about. Inevitably, you don't end up being in addition in front at the first and foremost day to thrill men - where do i find a man. So many want marriages, not opportunities for connect-ups. Bear that as time develops within the event. If you think like continuing to move forward, that can be for you to decide. This is because it may sense that exercising a tightrope, this is considered the most biggest most important courting approaches for women of all ages. But in the case you remain the truth to you and your family and wide open minded, you can expect to effortlessly discover that be aware of what adult males actually want to realize while they time you.To be honest that the majority of female know that they turn out gathering gentlemen who definitely are definitely not what we are searching for, even if you want in order to satisfy somebody that you think there is a reference to as soon as be part of an internet-based online dating service plans. This could certainly produce a young lady to feel as if dating online products are simply a total waste. Suitably, they don't must be. You can get some achieving success with picking somebody if you choose the precise products and know about what really works to search for an awesome male website. I am talking about that you really don't aspire to enroll in a page which uses a large number of scantily clad ladies within their advertisements with that. Those individuals internet websites bring the level of chap who wants an effortless connect without having to very trying to get just about anything important. The precise areas will likely be those who are more demure inside of their ads and people are more likely to engage men that are in fact exploring to remain a wholly commited love affair. Some of the most effective to transform within the proper individuals is generally to shut down an unacceptable varieties and that what will happen anytime you in actual fact put together your description to ensure that it echos whom you are and what you need - aaron fox drama method review. Proverb hazy point like, I would like to hire a company to go out with, doesn't unquestionably echo your identiity and what you are looking in your union. Considering the fact that these kinds of are most likely the people you wouldn't literally interact with in any case, become more specified and don't be worried that you may frighten away some gents. A single one visualize doesn't simply say good enough in regards to you. You might have many different elements to your identiity, as a result, maintaining variety of imagery enables you to demonstrate that out. You ought to showcase the enterprise end people, the fun portion, the amazing aspect, and so forth .. You will definitely get noticed from boys and this might be the nice sorts of awareness that you are researching for,. That's greater lengths and widths that one could present using your illustrations or photos, the much more likely it.It's even more complicated so they can seek out pleasant internet dating strategies, though it may possibly be challenging plenty of for ladies in excess of 40 currently. Step 1 a lady for 40 to be positive to wear period. She could very well atmosphere threatened and get worried that males are interested in younger adult females. Notwithstanding, she ought not make an attempt to outfit like them, lest she seem risky. She have to put on gear that is definitely recommended for her years group of people and the entire body kind, other than put on younger variations, which are generally skintight and a lot overly disclosing. Girls on top of 40 ought to be bound to function how old they are. Regardless if she really feels afraid of adult females, it does not always mean she need to try to contend by dance on alcoholic beverage. It truly is a good deal of hotter to figure out someone who seems to be confident with themselves, displaying elements like elegance, self-respect, and knowledge. After that, girls in 40 must always bear in mind their purpose within bond. she actually is over the age of her husband or wife, it does not necessarily mean she ought to new mother him. Even though gals are effortlessly taking care of and thoughtful, she if be aware that her individual certainly boasts a mum, and doesn't have a need for one more. Consequently she has to stay away from nagging just like a new mother would do a wonderful way to discourage a man away! An individual edge women of all ages during 40 have is because tend to be at ease with their own bodies and even more in contact with their sensuality than their young adult competitors. They shouldn't be reluctant that they are sensual and amorous using most suitable dude. He is certainly so amazed that he'll very soon overlook previous years fans! A lot of women should accept their cleverness. There is not any should play around to thrill anyone; the simplest way to amaze him would likely be to show you're his cerebral similar. This helps to create an mature female with increased existence experiences and information independent of the young adult types, who might be inadequate maturation and poise. A female on 40 who may be going out with will have to re-check her expectations - review of drama method. It in all likelihood isn't sensible to need precisely the same areas in a very male at 40 just like you managed to do at 20. Every now and then it might be useful to perspectives - you will never know whom you could match in that way! Much older wives really should not be scared to flirt including a guy they're serious about. How different would you expect to see him to learn that you're concerned? Flirting could also be an of connecting that you're comfortable and find out what - and who - you need. Even though it's slightly, the power of staying on your own tremendously can not be over-stated. A female during 40 probably will be very proud of living she's resided, the feelings and comprehension she's gathered, and also man or woman she's come to be. There's not a thing more pleasing on a gentleman in comparison to lovely lady who relishes and themselves
Outercourse at a Glance
Sex play that keeps sperm out of the vagina to prevent pregnancy
Safe, effective, and convenient
Is Outercourse Right for Me?
All of us who need birth control want to find the method that is best for us. Use My Method to find out which birth control methods may be right for you.
Here are some of the most common questions we hear people ask about outercourse. We hope you find the answers helpful
What Are the Benefits of Outercourse?
Outercourse is simple, convenient, and free. It has many benefits.
People like outercourse as a birth control method because it
has no medical or hormonal side effects
can be used as safer sex to help prevent STDs if semen and vaginal fluids are not exchanged
can increase trust and closeness between partners
may make sex play last longer
can be used when no other birth control methods are available
can help people better understand their bodies
Sex play without intercourse can also help women learn how to have orgasms. Women have very different sexual response cycles than men. Men usually have one orgasm, and it is usually some time before they can have another. Women can have frequent and multiple orgasms. But many women don't have orgasms from vaginal stimulation. Most of them can have orgasms when the clitoris is stimulated - whether or not they are having vaginal intercourse.
Men also enjoy outercourse - even if they're shy about it in front of their partners. Outercourse allows men to be erotic without worrying about how well they "perform" during vaginal intercourse
What Are the Disadvantages of Outercourse?
Outercourse has several disadvantages:
Women and men may let outercourse lead to intercourse without being ready to protect themselves from pregnancy or infection.
Some people may find it hard to abstain from intercourse.
Sperm may come in contact with the vagina
How Do I Have Outercourse?
Kissing - Many people explore different ways of kissing. They may also explore kissing different body parts.
Masturbation - Many people enjoy touching their own sex organs. It's the most common way to be sexual. Partners can masturbate alone or together. They may hug and kiss while they do it. They can also watch each other - which can be exciting and a good way to learn what kind of touch a partner likes.
Manual Stimulation - Many couples fondle each other's sex organs using their hands. Some also use their bodies or mouths.
Body-to-body rubbing - frottage, "grinding," or "dry humping" -
Many couples rub their bodies together - especially their sex organs -
for pleasure and orgasm.
Fantasy - Couples can read or watch sexy stories or pictures together. They can also share or act out sexy fantasies. People do it in person, on the phone or Internet, or through e-mail or instant messaging. (Using online technology for sex is called cybersex.)
Sex Toys - These include vibrators and dildos. Toys can be used to explore and caress the body. Condoms can be used on toys that go into the vagina or anus. Condoms need to be used if partners want to share the same toy. Use a new condom for each partner - and for each part of the body. Sex toys need to be cleaned - different toys have different cleaning instructions.
Oral Sex Play - Many people like to use their mouths on each other's sex organs. Oral sex on a woman is called "cunnilingus." On a man it's called "fellatio." It cannot cause pregnancy. But it can pass infection. Using a barrier can reduce the risks. Condoms that have been cut open, Sheer Glyde dams, dental dams, and plastic wrap make good barriers for oral sex on a woman. Condoms make good barriers for oral sex on a man. Many people use latex or plastic barriers that are non-lubricated or flavored for oral sex.
Anal Sex Play - Many people enjoy anal sex play. Partners can explore each other's buttocks, anus, and rectum with their hands, mouths, sex organs, or with toys. Anal sex play cannot cause pregnancy - but it can easily pass infection. Using a latex or plastic barrier can reduce the risks. Using lubrication can make it more comfortable.
is important to talk to your partner about the kinds of sexual
activities that you do and do not want to engage in - including
outercourse. But it may not be easy to talk about at first.
Here are some tips for talking about outercourse:
Think about what kinds of sex play you want to do and don't want to do.
Practice having a discussion with your partner. What do you want to say? What are all the possible things your partner could say?
Try to have talks with your partner before you get into a sexy situation.
Talk when you both have time and privacy for these discussions.
Be very clear about the limits you want to set. Remember that your partner cannot read your thoughts. It's important to talk about what you want and how you feel. It's important to hear your partner, too.
If you are feeling nervous or embarrassed, tell your partner. Maybe your partner feels the same way you do. Sometimes sex is hard to talk about. It's okay to say that.
Ask how your partner feels about outercourse. Being honest with each other can make a relationship more fulfilling.
Set limits upon which you both can agree.
Keep talking about the sexual limits you set together. What feels good? What may not be working out so well?
If you decide to have intercourse, instead of outercourse, there is a risk of pregnancy. Be sure you have another kind of birth control. Also be ready to protect yourself against infection.
Midlife and Menopause
Sexual Issues in Menopause
Women sometimes wonder what is in store for our sex lives as we enter menopause. In our society men continue to be seen as potential sex partners until
an advanced age, but women are commonly considered to be over the hill
by midlife.Medical textbooks claim that women's sex drive increases with menopause, when we no longer fear getting pregnant. Feminists and women's glossies insist that all you need is the right attitude, and your sex life will flourish forever.Hormone therapy in menopause is now on the outs with the medical community. It has been shown that so-called hormone replacement therapy (a term
cleverly coined to emphasize its "naturalness") does not prevent
coronary artery disease and seems more likely to cause than to prevent
other life-threatening diseases.But women continue to ask whether hormones can improve the quality of our lives even if they can't prolong it. These issues are virtually ignored by the medical literature.In fact, many women sail right past the menopausal transition. But others find, often to our surprise, that we do experience sexual difficulties. It can be difficult to find help or even validation for several concerns:
Loss of libido
Though women's sexual functioning and enjoyment of penetration commonly peaks in our forties, it's true for both men and women that the intensity and the impelling quality of the sex drive fall steadily after adolescence. An additional dip is frequently experienced with the menopause, and can be profound.
Impaired sexual functioning
Sexual encounters may change in quality because of decreased pleasure with penetration, difficulty reaching climax, weak orgasmic sensations, etc. Even before menopause, many women stop feeling the need to have an orgasm with every sexual encounter.
Changes in world view
Some menopausal women find ourselves losing interest not only in sex per se but in the entire romantic, passionate, or flirtatious side of human interactions.
Vaginal dryness
Estrogen lack inevitably causes the vaginal lining to become thinner and dryer, which causes pain and difficulty with penetration for most, though not all, women.Sexuality can be affected by the mood swings of early menopause, the symptoms of the menopausal transition, the physical effects of hormone lack and the way we and others see menopause.Women wracked with anxiety from hormone swings, soaked with sweat from hot flashes, or in what feels like a constant state of premenstrual tension are unlikely to be feeling very sexy. Once the ovaries have stopped putting out hormones, vaginal dryness can make penetration unappealing. And the symbolic value of menopause can itself make us feel old, unattractive, and sexless.Do falling hormones kill libido?Women's sex drive is related to hormones but in a complex way: the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, have less of a stimulating effect than the male hormones, which are secreted in small amounts by the ovaries. In fact most menstruating women feel sexiest immediately after our period, the time of the month when female hormones are at their lowest level. When the ovaries cease functioning with the menopause, they stop producing both male and female hormones, which affects some women's sex drive. Eventually the adrenal glands take over to some extent, especially in producing male hormones, and the sex drive can then perk up again. But this is not inevitable, and some women experience even a temporary plunge in our sexuality as devastating.Strategies for coping:
The vaginal tissues
Vaginal dryness is the first, and easiest, thing to fix if you are experiencing sexual difficulties. Often saliva, KY jelly, or Astraglide (a long-lasting vaginal available in the United States) give sufficient relief. When they don't, tiny amounts of estrogen creams applied vaginally will not only improve lubrication but will after a few weeks restore the thickness and consistency of the vaginal area to its pre-menopausal levels without exposing the rest of the body to hormones. Simply making penetration painfree and well-lubricated can bring back sexual pleasure for many women.
Hormone therapy
When a woman's sexual functioning remains unsatisfactory even after her vagina regains its juiciness, systemic estrogens in the form of pills or patches can be tried. If this treatment works, as it often does, it can be continued at the lowest effective dose following the standard precautions for hormone therapy, with the addition of progesterone to protect the uterus, and planning periodic pauses to see whether it is still necessary.
Male sexual hormones can effectively boost a woman's flagging libido, either in association with estrogen (Estratest, a pill combining estrogen and testosterone, is available in the United States, or by themselves. But male hormones can deepen a woman's voice and cause liver damage, among other side effects, so they are probably not a good solution for other than the short run.
Sold as Livial in much of Continental Europe and, as of 2002, in the United Kingdom, but not yet available in the USA, this molecule combines some of the effects of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It is fairly effective for hot flashes and vaginal dryness and very effective for reviving the sex drive. Tibolone is less masculinizing than testosterone and probably provokes less breast cancer and uterine cancer than usual hormone replacement therapy; its effects on heart disease are unknown.You may even find in the end that a decreased interest in the sexual side of life, though initially disconcerting, is unimportant or even welcome. After decades being driven by our sexuality many women find the calming of the senses that can accompany menopause to open us up to a new independence and to enthusiasm for exploring new interests during the second half of our adult life. The menopausal Germaine Greer, previously known for her sexual exploits, amazed some of her fans by extolling the joys of gardening. Other women say, "My sex life is better than ever - since menopause we do it twice a day." Few phenomena in the life cycle vary as much as the menopause.It is not only women who encounter changes in our sexuality with aging. Older men often require more direct stimulation to attain an erection, and have a longer "refractory period" between ejaculations. For many couples, heterosexual and homosexual, the sexual encounters of later life, richer in snuggles and gentle caresses and less focussed on orgasm, can be at least as rewarding as those of their youth
Loss of libido
Though women's sexual functioning and enjoyment of penetration commonly peaks in our forties, it's true for both men and women that the intensity and the impelling quality of the sex drive fall steadily after adolescence. An additional dip is frequently experienced with the menopause, and can be profound.
Impaired sexual functioning
Sexual encounters may change in quality because of decreased pleasure with penetration, difficulty reaching climax, weak orgasmic sensations, etc. Even before menopause, many women stop feeling the need to have an orgasm with every sexual encounter.
Changes in world view
Some menopausal women find ourselves losing interest not only in sex per se but in the entire romantic, passionate, or flirtatious side of human interactions.
Vaginal dryness
Estrogen lack inevitably causes the vaginal lining to become thinner and dryer, which causes pain and difficulty with penetration for most, though not all, women.Sexuality can be affected by the mood swings of early menopause, the symptoms of the menopausal transition, the physical effects of hormone lack and the way we and others see menopause.Women wracked with anxiety from hormone swings, soaked with sweat from hot flashes, or in what feels like a constant state of premenstrual tension are unlikely to be feeling very sexy. Once the ovaries have stopped putting out hormones, vaginal dryness can make penetration unappealing. And the symbolic value of menopause can itself make us feel old, unattractive, and sexless.Do falling hormones kill libido?Women's sex drive is related to hormones but in a complex way: the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, have less of a stimulating effect than the male hormones, which are secreted in small amounts by the ovaries. In fact most menstruating women feel sexiest immediately after our period, the time of the month when female hormones are at their lowest level. When the ovaries cease functioning with the menopause, they stop producing both male and female hormones, which affects some women's sex drive. Eventually the adrenal glands take over to some extent, especially in producing male hormones, and the sex drive can then perk up again. But this is not inevitable, and some women experience even a temporary plunge in our sexuality as devastating.Strategies for coping:
The vaginal tissues
Vaginal dryness is the first, and easiest, thing to fix if you are experiencing sexual difficulties. Often saliva, KY jelly, or Astraglide (a long-lasting vaginal available in the United States) give sufficient relief. When they don't, tiny amounts of estrogen creams applied vaginally will not only improve lubrication but will after a few weeks restore the thickness and consistency of the vaginal area to its pre-menopausal levels without exposing the rest of the body to hormones. Simply making penetration painfree and well-lubricated can bring back sexual pleasure for many women.
Hormone therapy
When a woman's sexual functioning remains unsatisfactory even after her vagina regains its juiciness, systemic estrogens in the form of pills or patches can be tried. If this treatment works, as it often does, it can be continued at the lowest effective dose following the standard precautions for hormone therapy, with the addition of progesterone to protect the uterus, and planning periodic pauses to see whether it is still necessary.
Male sexual hormones can effectively boost a woman's flagging libido, either in association with estrogen (Estratest, a pill combining estrogen and testosterone, is available in the United States, or by themselves. But male hormones can deepen a woman's voice and cause liver damage, among other side effects, so they are probably not a good solution for other than the short run.
Sold as Livial in much of Continental Europe and, as of 2002, in the United Kingdom, but not yet available in the USA, this molecule combines some of the effects of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It is fairly effective for hot flashes and vaginal dryness and very effective for reviving the sex drive. Tibolone is less masculinizing than testosterone and probably provokes less breast cancer and uterine cancer than usual hormone replacement therapy; its effects on heart disease are unknown.You may even find in the end that a decreased interest in the sexual side of life, though initially disconcerting, is unimportant or even welcome. After decades being driven by our sexuality many women find the calming of the senses that can accompany menopause to open us up to a new independence and to enthusiasm for exploring new interests during the second half of our adult life. The menopausal Germaine Greer, previously known for her sexual exploits, amazed some of her fans by extolling the joys of gardening. Other women say, "My sex life is better than ever - since menopause we do it twice a day." Few phenomena in the life cycle vary as much as the menopause.It is not only women who encounter changes in our sexuality with aging. Older men often require more direct stimulation to attain an erection, and have a longer "refractory period" between ejaculations. For many couples, heterosexual and homosexual, the sexual encounters of later life, richer in snuggles and gentle caresses and less focussed on orgasm, can be at least as rewarding as those of their youth
reasons to have sex51

For every silly nickname we use for sex, there's a totally legit reason why you should be having more of it. To prove our point, we've pulled together a comprehensive list of the mind-boggling benefits of hitting the sheets.
From boosting your immune system to releasing aggression, here are the many ways it pays to play dirty.
1 . US endocrinologists at Columbia University found that women who have
sex at least once a week have more regular menstrual cycles than those
who are less sack-happy.
2 . Sex makes you happier than money does, according to a recent US study.
3 . Work off those Mars Pods without hitting the treadmill. One 30-minute roll in the hay burns about 840kJ.
4 . Avoid cracking the shits at work. Nookie helps the brain produce neuro-transmitters, chemical messengers that help mellow our moods.
5 . Get more zzzzs. Getting a sensual massage followed by some dancing in the sheets releases sleep-inducing endorphins so you snooze soundly.
6 . Post-romp, you'll experience a surge in the hormone prolactin, which
develops new neurons in the brain's olfactory bulb, improving your sense
of smell.
7 . Unless you're a kinky, wayward politician, it's free!
8 . Kick colds to the curb. Researchers at Wilkes University, US, found that having sex once or twice a week boosts the immune system by 30 per cent.
9 . Protect pearly whites by stepping up to the mic. Semen contains small amounts of zinc, calcium and minerals proven to fight tooth decay.
10 . Watch a Sex and The City marathon without constant bathroom breaks. Sex tones the pelvic muscles that support your uterus, bladder and bowel, meaning better pee control.
11 . Post big O, you'll get a surge of oxytocin. The overload releases endorphins, which help alleviate pain from arthritis and menstrual cramps. Hallelujah!
12 . Take him to your level. Family therapist Michael Gurian, author of What Could He Be Thinking? , Says a man's oxytocin level matches ours after his happy ending.
13 . Relationship
expert Scott Haltzman, author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men,
says women absorb testosterone men secrete in semen. "Increased testosterone can have energy-boosting effects in women."
14 . Blow 'em away in your bikini. According to researchers, regular shagging can tighten your tummy and firm your bum. What's not to like?
15 . Shag his ticker into shape. A study at Queen's University in Ireland found men who have sex three
or more times a week can cut their risk of heart attack in half.
16 . The study also found regular romps will halve your man's chances of suffering a stroke.
17 . Prove that yes, nice girls do do that.
18 . Forget flowers, sex is an easier (and heaps more effective) way to make up after a fight.
19 . "There's a thin line between pain and pleasure. Sex can help distinguish between the sensations," says nurse Evelyn Resh.
20 . Stir creative juices. "When you're together long-term, sex can become boring," Resh says. "Coming up with new ways to keep things interesting improves the imagination."
21 . Two little words: "I'm pregnant!"
22 . Sex can trigger the onset of labour when you're at term. "Semen contains prostaglandins," Resh says. "When they're against the cervix, prostaglandins help it dilate and induce natural labour."
23 . Getting busy regularly can improve your flexibility. Cirque du Soleil, here you come!
24 . Cross language barriers. He speaks only Italian. You're from Wollongong. But in the boudoir, you both speak the universal language of love (nothing gets lost in translation).

Love the skin you're in. For some people, regular sex can boost body image.
26 . Keep closer tabs on your health. Sex means exploring your body - and your partner's - so you'll notice
if things feel or look wonky and might need a doctor's attention.
27 . Seriously pissed off? Don't scream your head off - save your voice and have sex to release tension.
28 . Improve your communication skills. Speaking up about what's working (or not) in the sack can help you express yourself in other parts of your life.
29 . Use it or lose it. "The more you have sex, the more likely you'll be to continue to
produce testosterone, one of the primary hormones responsible for sexual
desire," says Michele Weiner Davis, author of The Sex-Starved Wife.
30 . Give him a booty biscuit. "Guys see sex as a sign of approval from their partner," Weiner Davis says.
31 . Add your share of smut to the girls' night cocktail chatter. Even bad sex can be fun to dish about.
32 . Express some of your more risqué emotions and behaviours - aggression, domination - in the comfort of your own bedroom. (S & M, anyone?)
33 . Yes, tonight, dear - I have a headache. Recent studies have shown that doing the horizontal hustle can bring temporary headache relief.
34 . "When things go well in bed, you feel more confident and powerful in
other parts of your life," says sex therapist Sandor Gardos.
35 . "Increase the amount and quality of cuddle time," says psychologist Laurie Mintz. "The best comes immediately after the orgasm."
36 . Activate your tastebuds. "Your sensitivities are heightened after sexual intercourse," Gardos says. "That bottle of wine or chocolate bar will taste even better.
37 . Strengthen your core. It's like pilates without the annoyingly perfect instructor.
38 . Having sex eases the tension around sex itself. (Circular logic, but true!)
39 . Best excuse in the world for pricey lingerie.
40 . How else will you get better at it?
41 . Give your guy a helping hand. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the more
he ejaculates, the less likely he is to develop prostate cancer.
42 . "Good sex creates more love each time," Mintz says. "It is 'making love'."
43 . Share a laugh about your O-face ... or not.
44 . Vitalise the va-jay-jay. Rises in blood flow to the pelvis keep the oven in good order.
45 . It's the perfect excuse to crank some Prince and then follow it up with Marvin Gaye.
46 . Because it's 3am at 30,000 ft, and your red-eye doesn't land for two hours.
47 . You can make like a leading lady and re-enact steamy scenes from your fave flicks. Start with 9 ½ Weeks.
48 . Curb irritability. "Tactile stimulation soothes nerves," says Resh.
49 . Be at one with nature. After all, birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it.
50 . Because the clitoris is the only organ whose sole function is pleasure and it's a shame to let that go to waste.
51 . Skip the Botox. In his book, Secrets of the Superyoung, neurophysiologist David Weeks writes: "An active sex life slows the ageing process."
Come on, you really need a reason?
Use your imagination to upgrade your sex life

Fact: fantasising - during masturbation and sex - boosts your satisfaction.And turning those frisky imaginings into real-life sex can work magic on your health, too - research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found those who engage in BDSM seem to be psychologically healthier, most likely because being open to your sexual kinks increases self- acceptance.But WH sex expert Jacqueline Hellyer says just because you enjoy fantasising about, say, an orgy, doesn't mean you need to actually throw your keys into a bowl. "That said, it can give you insights," she says. So take our quiz to help unlock your fantasy profile ...1 Which fantasy character do you find the sexiest?A) A vampireB) A slaveC) Someone outside your usual gender preferenceD) A stripperE) Why just one? A few of the above2 Which activity turns you on?A) Wearing handcuffsB) Handcuffing a partnerC) Wearing a strap-onD) Watching or being watchedE) Being penetrated or touched all over your body3 Which setting appears in your fantasies?A) Christian Grey's apartmentB) A female domination clubC) An orgyD) A strip clubE) A swingers' club4 Which of these would you say feature most often in your fantasies?A) FearB) AngerC) ExperimentationD) ObservationE) Hedonism5 Which of these characters would you feel sexiest dressed as?A) A geishaB) CatwomanC) James BondD) Burlesque dancerE) Porn star6 Which of these lines, from a partner, do you find arousing?A) "You're mine and I'll do what I want to you."B) "Whatever you say, Mistress."C) "I don't want to judge you. I just want you. "D) "I love watching you."E) "Can my friend join us?"What's your fantasy blueprint?Count your ticks - if you have three or more for any one category (A to E), they are central to your fantasy profile ...A. Submission Psychotherapist Dr Brett Kahr, author of the largest study on sexual fantasy, found more than a third of people have submissive fantasies. Psychologists say it's about a desire to relinquish control, with University of Sussex research finding it common among "controlling" women.You (might) love Fluffy Love Cuffs ($ 55, Max Black). "These are good for beginners because they have a strong but supple suede clasp with a super-soft faux-fur lining," says Sonya Sirny, boudoir expert at Max Black adult store. Get more ideas with the app Kindu, where you rate a variety of adventures and it compiles a list of things you might enjoy. And google pics of Jamie Dornan for inspo.B. Domination Women with dominant fantasies tend to feel anxious about losing control, says Professor Zoltan Dienes, an expert in unconscious desires. Utilising these fantasies can make you feel powerful inside and outside the bedroom - tied and tested. And don't forget that link between BDSM and good mental health.You (might) love To give a good spanking; try a Fur-Lined Pleasure Paddle ($ 75, Max Black). "Most paddles have a double layer of stitched leather that's quite hard - a little too harsh for beginners," says Sirny. "But this one can deliver a sting with one side and a soft, sensual spanking with the other." Then all you need is a naughty boy.C. Same sex This might be fantasising you are a man or fantasising about someone of the same sex, even though you're straight. Sexual researcher Dr Lisa Diamond, author of Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire, says terms like heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual are too rigid, since sexuality is fluid. In fact, about a quarter of straight people fantasise about same-sex liaisons.You (might) love A strap-on. You heard right. "[You'll] need a harness to hold the toy, and a toy made of phthalate-free materials; stick to silicone if you have sensitivities," says Sirny. The Tantus Bend Over Beginner Harness Kit ($ 135, Max Black) gives you both.D. Exhibitionism Kahr's research suggests that exhibitionist fantasies often express a masochistic desire to get caught in the act and be punished. But they can also be a way to feel "seen" if someone feels invisible. George Michael must have been aiming for the former, we s'pose.You (might) love Making a movie. MLNP.tv (Make Love Not Porn) is a site where users pay to upload their own film, and can watch other people's videos, too. The revenue is split between contributors and the site. Just remember to cover your ID, in case Kevin from IT recognises you.E. Group sex Group-sex fantasies allow scope for more diverse stimulation - more hands, tongues and limbs. A fifth of people in Kahr's study had fantasies about orgies, and 35 per cent of those fantasised about sex with two or more women. Eager beavers.You (might) love A swingers' club. "If you have a partner, make sure you're both on the same page," says Hellyer. "Be clear about why you want to try it, your fears and what to do if either of you gets uncomfortable. You have to be a team. "Or check out sites like Adult Match Maker to find singles and couples to have fun with. Just ensure HungLikeHefner isn't Kevin from IT.If you answered ...A. A stripperB. Watched or being watchedC. A strip clubD. A burlesque... then go straight to exhibitionism
Whether you were the initiator of a split or on the receiving end, you can still get the break up blues. It's not easy, but the worst thing that you can do is to sit around at home and dwell on the past. Instead, as soon as possible, begin taking positive steps to get yourself out and about again, so you can start to plan your new life. If you are unfortunate enough to be in the throes of the break up blues, here are a few steps you can take to start making yourself feel a bit better:1 . Allow yourself ONE final day of grievingOur first tip on how to feel better after a break up is - allow yourself one final day of grieving. It's no good holding in all that emotion for too long, so give yourself one single day to let it all out. Have a good cry, scream if you want to, just get that grief out and then you can start to think more positively.2 . Hang out with the kidsChildren are great, and their innocence and straight forward thinking can be a fantastic tonic, when you are feeling down. Spend a day with a niece or a nephew and treat them to a simple pizza, movie or a day at a theme park; you'd have to try really hard not to have fun, when you are around kids.3 . Go wild with the girlsAnother tip for getting over a break up is - have a girl 's night out and make a good one! A few drinks and you'll soon be getting things off your chest to your friends and don't forget that you have no one to report into now, so you can stay out as long as you like.4 . Get adventurousOur next advice for getting over a break up is - get the adrenaline pumping and try something new Read more ... »and adventurous: sky diving, rock climbing, or take up a martial art; you can let some of the grief and aggression out and experience something new at the same time.5 . Out with the old and in with newDe-clutter your life and have a thorough clear out, it's another easy, yet effective tip on how to feel better after a break up. Remove all the photographs, CD's and other things that will remind you of your ex and spring clean your home, while you're at it. Don't forget to clear out your social media as well; you don't need to follow that guy any more.6 . Spend time with familySpending time with your loved ones is another great advice for getting over a break up and for starting to feel better. Remind yourself that there are some people who will always be there for you, no matter what, by spending some time with your family. Even better, invite the family round to your place, it will replace the space left by your ex with some love and laughter and make your home feel a less lonely place.7 . Sign up on an online dating siteWhen you're sure that you are ready, sign up on an online dating site. There's no pressure to go on any dates yet, when you are still getting over a break up, especially if you're not ready, but it will be fun checking out the market and it will give you a real boost to know that people still want you.8 . Get out there and be singleJust because you're single, it doesn't mean that you have to jump right back into the dating game again, you could just enjoy being single for a while. You're free and you have no ties, no obligations, so you can do whatever you like. Why not take yourself off on a short break somewhere exotic for a week or two? Go on, treat yourself!Getting over a break up is never easy, but we hope that these tips can help you to overcome the blues and to start enjoying your life again.Do you have some other tips to help those who are getting over a break up? Please, share them in the comment section below
Protect your own happy spaceOur first tip on how to deal with difficult people is - don't get sucked into their negativity. Be on your guard and protect your own happy space, when talking to a negative person. Stay positive in your own mind and avoid simply agreeing with them, as this won't help them and it may bring you down too.2 . Care about them and try to listen to what they have to sayIt might be tempting to run a mile to get away from a negative person, but having someone to just listen to them might be what they need. Don't just witch off when they talk either, this will just compound their thoughts that no one cares about them.3 . Don't agree and don't stay silentJust agreeing that the world is a rotten place to be won't help them, but neither will it be of much use, if you just sit there in silence and make no comments at all. To help them, you need to gently challenge their negative assumptions; silence will only infer your agreement.4 . Get them to focus on one simple, positive thingAnother good tip on how to deal with difficult people is - don't try and fix their problems for them. Don't try to be an amateur psychiatrist and think that you can solve their problems for them in a day. Try instead to get them to focus on one simple positive thing to take their minds away from the negative things. It could be as simple as talking about what's on TV, how bright and sunny it is today, or how much fun you had together the last time that you met. Even if you give the person only a short respite from the negativity, it's a start.5 . Give them a chance to vent their emotionsOur next tip on how to deal with difficult people is - give them time to get things off their chest, before you try to change the subject. Diverting the topic of conversation away from their problems immediately will only add to their feeling of isolation. Let them have ten minutes venting first, then they know you care enough to listen.6 . Try to bring their problems into perspectiveNegative or depressed people tend to do what the psychiatrists call catastrophizing. That is, they see things as being far worse, than they really are. Challenging those thoughts, along with a bit of empathy, can help them see the truth, through phrases such as: 'I understand why you would think that, but ...'7 . Be prepared to accept them as they areYou can only try so hard to cheer a person up, so know when to quit, or you won't be thanked for your efforts. Some people just are more negative, than others, it's the way that they are made and, strange as it may sound, they are quite happy being a moaner and a groaner.8 . Encourage them to seek help, if you are really worried about themIt's a difficult topic to raise to someone, but if they are really down and you think that they might be suffering from depression, then you should encourage them to see a doctor. An estimated one in ten Americans experience depression in the course of their lives, so it's not unusual and it's nothing to be ashamed of. To make it easier, you could suggest that the person sees a doctor to get something to perk them up a bit, rather than actually using the term 'anti-depressant'.Do you have some other tips on how to deal with difficult people? Please, share your thoughts in the comment section below
We're not sure if many parents still do the birds and the bees talk to their kids Read more ... »and if they do, their kids probably know more than them by then anyway, but there are some things about sex that you only learn through practical experience, the things that no one told you. It's not all about dimmed lights, a raging log fire and a perfect night of making love; in fact, sometimes it can be downright hilarious, when things don't go as they should, so here are eight things that you won't find in your basic sex for beginners guide:1 . It doesn't really last that longLoving all night long might make for some great song lyrics, but really, do you have that much stamina? For most people, it's quite a swift affair and anyway, you've got work in the morning. Apparently, according to surveys, the average sex session lasts for less than ten minutes, so if you're going into extra time, then thank your lucky stars!2 . Not all other bodily functions cease during sexWhen you're in the midst of passionate abandon, your body can let you down with some little surprises mid coitus, especially after a heavy meal. All that jigging about is sometimes just what your stomach needed to release that bit of trapped wind and it's normally right when things are getting serious. :)3 . Men just fall asleep afterwardsDon't worry when he rolls over and goes straight to sleep after sex, it's not a callous disregard for your feelings; it's just what men do. It's a natural sign of contentment and satisfaction and his sleepiness is brought on by chemicals released into his body when he ejaculates, so it's perfectly natural, he still loves you.4 . Things don't always go smoothlyYou want things to go smoothly, but sometimes nature needs a little help in the lubrication department. Women Read more ... »of all ages can suffer from dryness, making sex painful and possibly even damaging for the vaginal lining, so it's best to have some lube to hand, just in case.5 . Sex can be loud, really loudYou think it's just your neighbors that make all that noise? If you were to make a tape of most people's vocalization during sex and then play it back, it would be worth a giggle if nothing else, but some people could be in a rock band, on the decibel scale.6 . Sex can go wrongExperiment! That's what all the sex guides advise you should do to keep your sex life interesting. That's OK to a point, but have you ever tried some of those positions? At best, some of them will have you both in fits of giggles, but at worst, they'll have you both in traction. Which one of you will have the courage to call the ambulance to get you untangled again? LOL7 . Sex can be disappointingIt's not always fireworks, bells ringing and the earth moving; sometimes it's more like a damp squib, than a sky rocket. They don't tell you about the days that, even though that the mind is more than willing, the body just won't cooperate and, try as you might, you end up back downstairs watching the TV.8 . Practice makes perfectFor most girls, learning how to reach a climax is actually quite a difficult and time consuming task, and your mum certainly never told you about that. It wasn't that long ago the female orgasm was a taboo subject generally, let alone one your mother would give you advice on. The mechanics of sex are fairly straightforward, but getting it right though, takes practice, as well as a loving, caring and unselfish partner.We hope you find these points somewhat fun and useful. Do you have something to add to this list? Please, feel free to comment in the section below
Things Women Do To Push Men Away 6
1 . Wanting a Man to ChangeMany women get in a relationship thinking they can change the man. If a man makes a change for a relationship, the benefit must outweigh the consequences of that change. "I get it: You don't want anything to make me as happy as you do. But if you're willing to chase this result by eliminating everything else I might love from my life, then I don't want you ", says Good.2 . An Overwrought Sense of Urgency"Man Code" men liken romance to playing poker. "It's better to conserve emotion for only the most meaningful circumstances," Good says. While men pay attention to overall themes, women tend to sweat the small stuff. He wants women to know that ulterior motives are not a Man Code man thing to play at, if he's out late with his friends, he's just out late with his friends.3 . Sex on the First DateUnfortunate but true, the "Man Code" man is chivalrous but also "red-blooded and carnal" like most guys. If a woman offers sex on the first, any man will probably take her up on that. A woman that can walk away with a goodnight kiss and leave the man guessing appeals much more to men. They like the thrill of a chase.RELATED: Study: Spouse's Voice Easier to Tune In, Tune Out4 . Talking Things to DeathAccording to Good, women need to think of love as "quiet." In other words, it's what you do when no one is looking, how you find their hand when things are bad and tell them it's okay. If you hear "I love you" constantly it loses it's value. "Love is the result of the events in our lives, not the result of talking about the idea of it," assures Good.5 . DisloyaltyLoyalty is everything, it is the currency of our lives, declares Good. When women are disloyal to other women, it tells the man they will be disloyal to them, too.6 . A Failure to Let a Lion be a LionIn the same way that a women wants to feel taken care of and protected, a man wants to know he's the one that made her feel that way. Good explains, "With a look or word, you can empower us."Good has one powerful piece of advice for women: Don't forget why your man fell for you. Woman AND men seem to stop doing the little things they did at the beginning of a relationship that made it fun. Think back and try doing some of the little things you "used" to do for him.
What do you think of Good's outspoken but honest advice ?
10 Ways To Tell That You're A Bad Kisser
Kissing is one of those things that takes practice to get good at. No one is an amazing kisser on their first try. It takes time! Unfortunately not everyone is a great kisser, but luckily there's always room for improvement. How do you know if you're a bad kisser though?
No one really tells their partner if they're a bad kisser. I mean, how much would it suck to hear that from the person you're kissing? It would be awful! That's why we're here though. Here are 10 ways to tell that you're a bad kisser:
You think that practicing with yourself in the mirror is a good idea.
No one really tells their partner if they're a bad kisser. I mean, how much would it suck to hear that from the person you're kissing? It would be awful! That's why we're here though. Here are 10 ways to tell that you're a bad kisser:
You think that practicing with yourself in the mirror is a good idea.
You stand there with your lips puckered like this.
You do the woodpecker move.
You spend too much time on ears and necks and not enough time on the mouth.
You use an excessive amount of tongue.
Seriously, TOO MUCH.
You keep your eyes open.
You're too grabby with the other person's face.
You just kinda stand there and don't do anything.
Nibbles are fun every now and then, but you’re a biter and might hurt someone
Are you a bad kisser? Do you know a bad kisser? What's the worst kiss experience you've ever had? Tell us in the comments!
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This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving
Wow ... I'm getting old.
It's a disturbing thought, one that usually hits after an unexpected physical challenge. Maybe you've been unable to maintain your usual workout levels, or recovery is taking a lot longer than it used to. Perhaps fixes to the house are just a bit more difficult, or you can't perform in the bedroom the way you used to.
And the issue? You might not have enough free testosterone
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