20 things you can try tonight to have the hottest sex
I have decided to arrest 50 interesting things or filled with sex, that can be done - easily. Also, depending on the time and the kids, and without a lot of prep, to help keep things zesty chili exciting time in the department. I want you to add to the list, too, please!
1 kiss like I did before I had done anything else ever .
2 breathing together , holding and hugging each other while you do it .
3 eat synonymous . Really pay attention to how licking ice cream or chew the meat off the bone .
4 see how long you can stay running without taking any of your clothes .
5 dry hump with your clothes , or at least have underwear , and on.
6 rubbing your hair all over his body .For one minute at least , each and every one of you to stare at each other's eyes .Set up e-mail accounts using pseudonyms . Then send e-mails and dirty pictures for this account .Play a game of striptease .Cooperation on a piece of erotic writing or storytelling. Write / read a paragraph, then your partner does the same . Back and forth until you finish the story.Buy a pair of gloves , nitrile and give your partner a job glove . ( Trust me , it feels different . )Wear a mask .Wear a wig .Try new condoms , heck , try the female condom .Using a string of pearls ( plastic beads will do just fine ) , and his penis masturbation .Masturbate him with a banana peel . Try warming in the microwave for five seconds to warmer, happier times.The use of lubricants . Lots of lube .Use silicon lubricant and get in the shower .Be blindfolded or do blindfolded .Find three things in the kitchen ( such as a spoon, and a wooden spoon , honey ) that you can play with voluptuous .Fingerpaint other breast .Rock around the clitoris . With your finger , moved in a clockwise direction from 12 on the back, and counter-clockwise . See what feels best time .Rent porn and reenact the scene .Masturbation for each other. Cheer , hoot , and cry for your lover .Read each other's story from the book of erotic sexy .Play a board game , but to change the rules to make it exciting .Try a board game designed to inspire monogamy .Sex in your car, even if it's parked in the garage .Pressure to have pelvic floor muscles around something or someone.Knowledge of new sex position using pillows.Turn on the electric toothbrush ... use it on him , or her , the nipples .Use any rocking ... it , in the area known as the perineum , between the bum and balls.Have a chat sexy, either by video or text , and yes , even if you live together , do it from a separate room .Have a contest to see who can come first , or who can hold out the longest .Pick out your partner's outfit and dress them before they even dress them down.Buy rocking wireless and go out and dance , and let your husband or boyfriend to control the remote control .Sex first thing in the morning .See how high you can bring your sex energy through respiration .Get weird - try beating or light skin.Try rocking built for two .Make love outdoors.Go in the history of a room in a cheap hotel .Push your partner to have sex .Give, or get, a lap dance .Slow dance like it the first time , but this is not the first time critical . Unless, of course , awkward turns you on .Write some fantasies and put them in a hat . Then pick out a fantasy and dispose of them . The list of props in your imagination .Give each other head massages .Massage each other using hot wax soybeans.I leave the lights . Getting naughty . If you're feeling extra playful , and leave the curtains open too.Served foods aphrodisiac . Feed it to each other , or eat once again .