Tips to make your teeth (and smiles) looks good

How often do you smile ? Smiling people look like people are happy and it's sad to know that a lot of people hide a smile because they do not like their teeth . The smile is one of the most influential aspects of visual communication , and if your teeth are not as white as they can be , can affect the self-confidence and the way we communicate . Here are some tips to help prevent keep your teeth white so you can embrace your smile and face the world with confidence !
There are many reasons for it to smile on any given day . Here are my five tips to help you keep your teeth white - most of these are simple and easy. I hope it will help you start smiling with confidence and show the world that beautiful white teeth .
Why should I smile?
Have you ever heard someone say , " So and so could light up the room with his / her smile ? Well there is a reason for this to say ! Was told that smile is a gesture of rights is important because it can lift your mood , and moods of others and bring a sense of positivity . Smile often one of the first features of note , and keep your teeth white is a big part of smiling confidently.
The smile can also help you get rid of tension because it refers to the brain that you are in a good mood ( even if you do not !) . Another good reason to smile is because it leads to laughter , and who do not feel good after the laughter ?
Now that you know the reasons to smile , let's talk about how to put the best smile given by keeping your teeth healthy and white !How to keep your teeth white
There are professional ways to get whiter teeth , but you can always insert some simple steps in your daily routine to help keep your teeth white . I'm talking about the prevention of the day ... if you take good care of your pearly whites your own , you may not even need to go to a professional measures !- Teeth White Tip 1: Be persistent about dental health
Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and floss your teeth on a daily basis . Not only will this be good for the health of your teeth , but it can also help to keep your teeth white by removing the building .- Teeth White Tip 2 : Avoid drinks that cause spots
As a general rule for this party is that if it can stain the white cotton T-shirt , it can stain your teeth . Some common culprits in this category are coffee , tea, red wine , dark sodas and fruit juices . I'm not saying to cut these drinks out completely, but be mindful about how much you consume to keep your teeth white .- Teeth White Tip 3 : Do not light up
In addition to causing many other health problems , and can also cause discoloration of the teeth smoking . It is known that some of the ingredients in cigarettes such as nicotine and tar to cause brown stains teeth . Smokers also often have reduced the flow of saliva into the mouth , saliva and works as a natural cleanser of the teeth .- Teeth White Tip 4 : Rinse after eating
Eating fruits and vegetables ...... then rinse your mouth with water when you're done ! Colored fruits and vegetables have a dark exceptional nutritional benefits , but can also stain your teeth . So , be sure to eat foods such as grapes , beets , but just rinse your mouth after that to help prevent tooth stains.- White tooth tip 5 : Choosing the Right Lip Color
This tip is for women, and get whiter teeth can be as simple as choosing the right lip color ! Choose the color blue with tones and shades and this confrontation against any shade of yellow found on the teeth . These include shades of rich reds , berries and colors , pinks with a cool color , or nude colors . Avoid lip shades that are bright orange or reds with warm tones because it can increase the severity of teeth stains.How to keep your teeth white : Prevention is the key!
Now that you know how to keep your teeth white , and can smile with confidence and go out and enjoy all the benefits of smiling ! I would love to hear some tips to prevent tooth discoloration . Share your thoughts with me in the comments section ... and just for fun , tell me what made you smile today!
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