10 Ways To Tell That You're A Bad Kisser
Kissing is one of those things that takes practice to get good at. No one is an amazing kisser on their first try. It takes time! Unfortunately not everyone is a great kisser, but luckily there's always room for improvement. How do you know if you're a bad kisser though?
No one really tells their partner if they're a bad kisser. I mean, how much would it suck to hear that from the person you're kissing? It would be awful! That's why we're here though. Here are 10 ways to tell that you're a bad kisser:
You think that practicing with yourself in the mirror is a good idea.
No one really tells their partner if they're a bad kisser. I mean, how much would it suck to hear that from the person you're kissing? It would be awful! That's why we're here though. Here are 10 ways to tell that you're a bad kisser:
You think that practicing with yourself in the mirror is a good idea.
You stand there with your lips puckered like this.
You do the woodpecker move.

You spend too much time on ears and necks and not enough time on the mouth.

You use an excessive amount of tongue.

Seriously, TOO MUCH.
You keep your eyes open.

You're too grabby with the other person's face.

You just kinda stand there and don't do anything.

Nibbles are fun every now and then, but you’re a biter and might hurt someone

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