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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Women and Gender in the Jewish religion

Women and Gender in the Jewish religion 

The religion of the Jewish Torah and the Jews are , as described by their rabbis , Torah nation , a term means the group does not mean national or ethnic, there is no Torah Jews also confirmed most of the Jewish rabbis . The Jews do not read the Bible as read by Christians , but they read it through the eyes of any of the Talmud during the Talmudic interpretation of the Torah . The Talmud is the Sharia legal underpinning a Jewish primary source of which is derived from the teachings of the rabbis and on the basis of studying and practicing Jewish rabbis .Based Jewish so-called Babylonian Talmud , which contains all of the Mishna and the Gemara Babylonian as an official source of legislation , and it contains the Talmud entirety on two sets of first topics are laws and laws that the Jew be followed in the various aspects of his life called " Ahalakhah " any way and the second section contains stories The tales and jokes called " midrash " or " Alogada " , and not to the value of the legitimacy of this section . Ahalakhah strict orders and Noahiaa and taboos , unlike Christianity , for example, which contains ten orders and prohibitions , such as do not steal and do not kill the Jewish etc. containing 613 of do's and don'ts that Tdaa Matesfa and collected Mtesfat including nearly percent related to sex .The Talmud is made up of six books and every book is talking about a particular topic and consists of several parts Taatges about topics related to the basic Baltema like a book " Zraeim " , talking about agriculture and consists of a twelve part talk about everything related to agriculture and details . The third book named " Nhim ," consists of seven parts talking about women and all related details , and Part V of this book named " Sotah " and talking about the adulterous woman and prostitution. The sixth book called " Nharot " consists of ten Athy part talking about purity and all that cause impurity to the Jew , such as menstrual cycles of women and men secretions . Total wrote the Talmud is the sixty four books.Reading the Torah shows us that by which men and Torah potency clearly. The first father of mankind is man " Adam " and women originated from the rib and the cause of his expulsion from paradise . We find in the Bible the word son (Ben ) is repeated 4029 times in a time when that son ( Pat ) is repeated 579 times in the Bible only . The word man (Isaiah ) reported in 2183 once the Torah woman ( Esha ) has reported 781 times. The word father ( F ) reported in 1211 once the mother ( M ) has reported only 220 times , and so on all the names , the man is often very clearly . Consequently , the Talmud walks in the footsteps of the Torah , has written the men and all men rabbis of the Talmud . Jew says in his prayers every morning ( Hacharat ), thank God, who did not make me a Jew is , thank goodness it did not Akhalgueni woman. ( B Minakhut Fall 43 )Talmud talks a lot about sex is man's duty is reproduction but it is not the duty of the women. In the Talmud , we find a lot of sexual vagaries indicate expanded sexual fantasy when the rabbis , the Talmud clerks . The Talmud is full of these vagaries is no room to mention them all , but we will mention some of them as a sign . For example, the Talmud says ( Habat Folio 54 a) that if the man fell from the roof of the house and took the woman and entered A member inadvertently into her vagina , it is not considered adulterer not punished ... Here wander Talmud clerks to explain the legal status of this process of citizenship unintended and enumerates different situations if a woman has a strange or woman to be his brother and others. The reader to imagine this fantasy Talmudic patient was located on the surface of the man wall and fall to the woman during this fall and inadvertently enters in women. Is there a fantasy more sicker than this fantasy ? In the book ( Abamuth 59 b) The Talmud says that if he jumped my dog ​​on the girl during cleaned the land and entered into and had intercourse , it is not considered unclean and are allowed to marry a rabbi even high-level , and a woman's marriage of a rabbi is the largest honor her and a sign of chastity .Determines the Talmud age girl recoverable sex three years and one day , and finds that the girl in this age suitable to be a wife rabbi , and the age of a child who qualifies for sexual intercourse is defined by clerks Talmud nine years and one day and said some rabbis eight years and one day . We find this documented in several places of the Talmud :(Sanh. 55b; Sanh.69a-69b; Yebamoth 57b-58a; Yeb. 60b ...... Exhs. 55, 81, 156, 159,)Elsewhere in the Talmud says if a man sexually with a girl younger than three years and one day is not the sexual act because the man if he put his finger in the eye of the girl and if the old boy less than nine years and one day process sexuality with an adult woman is not considered that weight because it is as if the wound lute made ​​of wood ( Kithobot 11 a and 11 b ) . The Talmud is not considered sex with animals punishable by weight and not the perpetrator . ( Sotah 26 b) . Women who Tjama animal is not considered an adulteress , but do not punish the animal shall be punished . ( Sanhedrin 55 b) . Also does not consider the process of citizenship rod relaxant weight nor punished . ( 55 Abamuth b)I remember when I was invited to the Department of Criminal police station in Bratislava, according to the lawsuit filed against me by the Jewish community , told me the officer investigator : "You write what is not reasonable and can not be proven and is punishable by law Slovak and EU. Struck me , for example, say that the Talmud determines the age of the girl midwife for sex three years and day . drove him Talmud translated into English and called edition " Soncino " and recognized by all ores Jews have been recorded on the desk and ran with it. read and yellow face and then Ahtguen and shouted " Oh my God I have a girl three years old and a month and I will kill any man touches . " then called the rest of the officers and read them, and all of them denounced and spat disgust . investigator then told me : " Go and type and Avdham and we are with you . "Reader Talmud really needs a strong stomach and impervious so as not to Iqii as he read vagaries sexual Talmudic In the book ( Sanhedrin 69 b) we find it says : " If humor Born is an adult (ie, below the age of nine years and one day ) and his mother and he with the process of nationality , here differed rabbis , some of whom considered invalid mother to marry a rabbi and others considered it invalid . If the age of the boy was nine years and one day and fucked with his mother shall be considered an adulteress is not suitable for the marriage of a rabbi .
Women in the Talmud despised and described the worst epithets and comparing the animals. Died when the wife of Rabbi " Olazra " his students came to comfort him Venharham saying : "When women die as if the man lost a donkey or an ox ." ( Birakuch 16) and the Talmud also says that if she died Wife rabbi , as if lost an ox or a donkey and you have to say to him : Awwadk God for your loss . " ( Birakuch 16 b) . Guy in the eyes of the Talmud is equal to a hundred women . ( 45 Birakuch b)Tell us the Talmud for intercourse man and its benefits , says among other things says the collector mother becomes sane and collector of his sister becomes a wise and collector girl gets a place in the other world and collector tonsil become a rod school and so on. ( Birakuch 57 a 0.9 to 12 ) .There are many cases of women in the Talmud are considered unclean and should be isolated from others so as not hurting , such as menstruating women and women after childbirth . Menstruating women are unclean and must be isolated for seven days and when her catering must be away one by several meters , and anyone who touches it becomes unclean even if purified and made ​​love to her man during menstruation becomes unclean and must be isolated for a period of seven days . As well as postpartum women are unclean and should be isolated if the baby is a boy becoming a mother unclean and must be isolated for seven days but if the baby is a girl become unclean and must be isolated for a period of fourteen days . ( Tbharwt : Part Nida and part Tohorot ) . Rabbi Yuhanan says that the man who was having intercourse with his wife menstruating women to submit a victim and his brother's wife if the collector is not menstruating him to submit a victim because he was ashamed to ask his brother's wife that was menstruating or not. ( 64-72 Pisakhim A and B ) .As we said Talmud consists of sixty -four books and we can not in this article to show all the contents of the positions devalue women and the sexual vagaries . But I believe that the examples mentioned in this article is sufficient to indicate this . We must not forget what we have said at the beginning of this article that the Talmud is the Sharia legal underpinning a Jewish primary source of which is derived from the teachings of the rabbis and on the basis of studying and practicing Jewish rabbis .
It also should not forget that Israel regards itself as a Jewish and seeks to Hodna State , any State of the ones that will be on the Jewish we can imagine .


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