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Friday, February 7, 2014

Frigidity in women and treatment

Frigidity in women and treatment 

Cold in women is the lack of desire or stagnation as well as a lack of women share the man of pleasure, which bathes the Veidaha entity and this denial is a danger to women's health

 Comes in First Class episiostenosis and his lack of depth and this makes the physical act impossible or painful and cause frigidity and Leila fact that the clitoris is too small or far away from the entrance to the vagina making women weak lust and the clitoris sometimes covered with mucous membrane thick makes it insensitive and disease agents that catch it women's sexual organs and make already infected Taatberm physical because it causes them pain unbearable and this dissatisfaction often turn cold may continue after the demise of the disease.In France Asft one of women's magazines in her readers the subject of sexual relations and women earn eighty of them answered the subject of sexual relations and women which you earn eighty percent of them replied that they did not earn anything .1 - usually women that Ictmn truth either because they Mafturat lying or because they are too ashamed to reveal the truth about what they feel during the physical act .2 - The moods vary according to age and physical health and social level and often conducts investigations and statistics in an environment without other rates comes incomplete and do not serve as a basis for judging the total.3 - Women Albardat mood Btabahen least number of women with mood warm and when we know that the proportion of this category is the ten percent the proportion of disadvantaged women by their husbands ignorance and selfishness eighty percent .

 Before I explain the method of treatment improves us to review the types of cold1 - lack of desire in whole or in part .2 - cooler due to the lack of natural biological manifested a carelessly in women during the act.3 - cold -causing all be motivated by psychological factors .A - disgust of the act or of the same pair .B - fear of the act " because it causes pain or the fear of it leads to pregnancy or disease."C - the confusion and ignorance of the ways that the pair fondling and prepare for the physical act .4 - cold caused by degeneration of the disease in a reasoned or stress or grief and anxieties .5 - not feeling pleasure during the act or vague feeling of pleasure .As for treatment , it varies depending on the causativeShould begin to lift the morale of women in general and that the removal of concerns for PGM , anxiety and stress is advisable Care Bgmaoualmroh and the man that gives it the air of moral appropriate to his actions and the man as well as to choose not Tianha role monthly where Ofer willing to do the physical , which is often in the middle of the lunar month " and the doctor advised that the pair of boots that do Bmlatefat would move the pride of women and focus more focused on what positions sensitive and should not approach her , but at the right time .Importance of foodSualngveh cause cold and sometimes impotence and doctors advised women cold to eat food nourishing and restorative , fish, fowl and meat, if vitamin "A" helps to grow and vitamin "B" strengthens the nerves and vitamins " w " purifies the blood and vitamin " d " rich in phosphorus Valviamin extracted from fresh fruit strengthens the sexual and helps to fight the cold .The Collect doctors that coffee acted lust


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